assignment 3 reading history

By Savv04
  • 4th grade reading challenge

    4th grade reading challenge
    In 4th grade we started doing reading logs that would be sent home with us. This was something that I struggled to do. I didn't want to spend my time as a kid reading when I could be playing outside with my siblings.
  • 5th grade reading school fair

    5th grade reading school fair
    In this time we had a school fair that I didn't understand why many were so excited for. I wasn't a big reader so I wasn't excited about this.
  • 6th grade class book

    6th grade class book
    This year in my class we had a book that we would complete by the end of the year. Our teacher would select students throughout the class to take turns reading. I wasn't too excited about this because I just wasn't a fan of reading.
  • 7th grade

    7th grade
    Ater reading a couple of books in 6th grade as a whole class I was intrigued by books. I was excited to collect books of my own to read.
  • 8th grade

    8th grade
    Ever since 6th grade and reading a book in class, I started to like to read. I enjoyed reading and actually wanted to buy books to read on my own time.
  • 9th grade

    9th grade
    When I started high school, i feel like I got more into reading. Since I also broke my ankle my freshman year of high school I had to be homeschooled for about 6 months. In this time I was home alone a lot. I was able to read a lot and actually enjoyed it.
  • 10th grade

    10th grade
    When I started 10th grade I also joined the cheer team. With me taking on extra activities, I noticed I stopped reading.
  • 11th grade

    11th grade
    With myself being so busy and always being with my friends I stopped reading entirely. My books that I had collected started to just collect dust
  • Starting college

    Starting college
    When I started college I went into the nursing field and that was a lot of science. I did my general ed for 2 years and came to the realization right before nursing school that it wasn't for me. When I was in college I only read if it was required by my teachers and didn't read on my own free time.
  • Present day

    Present day
    Now that I have switched majors and am in the teacher preparation program, I feel like I am getting back into reading. A lot of my classes have had the opportunity for me to read lots of text and useful information. Outside of school and work I have found myself downloading and buying books on my I pad or even on amazon and reading a bit here and there.