Birth of Ashley
I was born to my parents around in the late evening. I was born at a hospital in California. I was born two and a half moths premature and only weighed 2.1 pounds. Social events: Uzbekistan declares independence from the Soviet Union. My parents expected me to get better from being in the hospital so that I could home in the next few months like the doctors had promised. -
Moved near my cousins!
I moved near my cousins and was no longer by myself, which was great considering I am an only child and it was boring to play games by myself when friends weren't around. My mother expected me to get along with all of my cousins even if I didn't want to at times. Social/ Political event: A strike began at the General Motors parts factory in Michigan and went for 7 weeks. -
Visited/Moved to Arizona!
My mother and I visted my father in Arizona and ended up staying in Arizona.
My parents expected for me to do well in school and make new friends so that I was not at home and annoying them all of the time. Social/political event:The Red Cross warns that Tajikistan is being struck with a famine. -
Began playing the violin
I was in fifth grade when my friend Carol convinced me to learn how to play the violin with her. I fell in love with the violin and practiced it everyday to improve.
My parents and teacher expected me to stick with playing the violin and to work hard at imprvoing my skills, which is what I had done. Social/political event: None. -
First Year of Color GUard at WHS!
My very first year of colo rguard at WHS was very exciting! We wore cool uniforms, make up, adn performed to our show of Phantom of the Opera. I was instently hooked on the sport.
My mother expected me to keep up my grades while doing this time consuming sport. Social/political event: An F1 tornado hits near Long Island in Glen Cove, New York, which was a rare occurance. -
Academy Drum Corps Auditions for 2008 Marching Season
I was 16 and auditioning for a professional drum corps group in Tempe, Arizona. I was terrified auditioning and was not confident enough in myself. I made my friend Tran audition with me, because I did not want to be by myself. Shortly after auditions I was offered a color guard spot and nearly screamed I was so happy. At this time my instructors expected for me to improve over the season and perform just as well as the individuals that were 19 and 20 in the group. -
Niagra Falls
I went to Niagra Falls for the first time while I was on tour with the Academy Drum and Bugle Corps. We had a day off while in New York so they took us to Niagra Falls for the day. When I reffer to "us" I mean all 150 members of the corps. Niagra Falls was simply beautiful and breath taking.
The expecatations from my parents were to stay say and enjoy Niagra Falls and finsihing the tour back to Arizona. Social/political event: American Scrreenwritter and producer Blake Snyder passed away. -
Last Year of Drum Corps
I marched my last year of drum corps with the Academy Drum Corps this year. I had made new friends during the season and the month tour all of the United States. I had new friends that were from Japan, the Netherlands, and Belgium. My bus seat partner was from Belgium so I was given a good amount of real Belgium chocoate and cookies that her parents would send. Social/political event: ocial/political event: Film writter John Hughes dies of a heart attack. -
Began my life with Daniel
I began my relationship with Daniel. Daniel's family really opened themselves up to me too. The expectations that were given for me were to act mature and make the best decisions for me, as well as the realtionship and my future. (That expectation came from both of our families really.) Social/political event: None, -
I got engaged to the love of my life. The expectations at that time were for me to be a resposible adult and decide what I wanted for my future. Daniel and I were the only ones there on the private beach in Califronia looking at the beautiful sunset. Everything was simply the way I had imagined. Social/political event: A reported coup attempt in South Sudan that lead to hundreds dead.