(A.S.) How to Break A Terrorist - Matthew Alexander - Non-Fiction/Crime/ Mystery/ War - 285 Pages
By DaPlatypus5
Page 1- Page 50
An interrogator named Matthew Alexander, who works for the US military, is deployed to Iraq with a few fellow 'gators. They recieve their assignment, to take down Al Qaida terrorist Zarqawi, the #1 wanted man in the world, using interrogations information. They are stationed in Iraq, and begin their studies. Pages Read- 50. Pages Total- 586 -
Page 50- Page 75
They recieve their first assignment, and Matthew makes friends with a younger 'gator named Bobby. After just two measly weeks, they've figured out 2 compounds of which the Al Qaida use for suicidal bombing briefings. Pages Read- 25. Pages Total- 611 -
Page 75- Page 150
Alexander's friend, Bobby, is deported to an outpost for another assignment. This makes Alexander depressed yet it gives him a drive to fill in his spot. As he assumes the rank of Senior Interrogator, he finds that many of his employees aren't following a good code of conduct, and changes that. Meanwhile, they figure out the leader of the Operational Branch of Al Qaida, a major step forward in capturing Zarqawi. Pages Read- 75. Pages Total- 686 -
Page 150- Page 210
They figure out that the Operational leader of Al Qaida is Abu Zambi. They order the SF teams upon the house of his residence, and according to the writing, they find a "surprise". Throughout this, there is a dispute between the old-school interrogators and the new-method interrogators about how to handle the operational branch prisoners. Pages Read- 60. Pages Total- 746 -
Page 210- Page 260
Alexander becomes closer than ever to discovering Zarqawi and his compound. After many failed attempts of penetrate the knowledge of Abu Haydar by his coworkers, Alexander decides to take the initiative of the assignment and interrogate him personally. He builds rapport with him, and soon he gives away his leader and head of Operational Wing, Abu Ayyak al Azri. Pages Read- 50. Pages Total- 796 -
Page 260- End of Book
After Abu Haydar gives away the leader, Special forces almost immediately identify him and track him consistently. One time the get very close to catching him, yet they lose his car in traffic and cannot find him once more. Randy then leaves to go home empty-handed. They find the leader again, this time in a meeting with Zarqawi. The Soldiers don't hesistae and fire of 3 heat seeking missiles, blowing up the house and killing Zarqawi. Pages Read-40. Pages Total- 840