Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Early Stages

    Alan Turing explored the mathematical possibility of artificial intelligence
  • The Birth

    John McCarthy hosted a conference about computer programs designed to mirror problem solving skills like humans at the Dartmouth Summer Research project on artificial intelligence.
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    People believed AI was achievable. Computers became faster, cheaper, more accessible and was able to store more information.
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    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) began to fund AI research at several institutions.
  • Marvin Minsky

    Hosted Dartmouth conference with John McCarthy and co-founded the MIT's AI laboratory
  • The foundation

    John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky founded the MIT Artificial Intelligence laboratory
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    The AI Stanford Lab created many new systems that were able to mimic human skills that included listening, learning, reasoning, and vision.
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    Parting Ways

    McCarthy and Minsky began to have conflict and parted ways. McCarthy went to Stanford's AI laboratory and served as the director.
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    John McCarthy was awarded the A. M. Turing Award, the Kyoto Prize, and the National Medal of Science.
  • Advancements

    Newell and Simon's General Problem Solver and the Logic Theory Program aided towards problem solving and won Turing Awards.
  • Restart

    AI was expanded by the algorithmic toolkit and an increase of funding.
  • Details

    John Hopfield and David Rumelhart created new learning techniques for computers to learn through different experiences.
  • Details

    Edward Feigenbaum created new expert systems to recreate decision making processes from human experiences.
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    Factors of AI were funded by the Fifth Generation Computer Project (FGCP). Goals were to revolutionize computer processing and improving artificial intelligence.
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    The Japanese government invested $400 million dollars towards AI endeavors even though the AI goals were not met and they soon fell off.