Alan Turing
helped break enigma code -
Arthur Samuel
develops a checkers playing program -
Nobert Weiner
writes the book on Cybernetics -
Alan Turning
suggests that machines might someday possess intelligence -
W. Grey Walter
develops a tortoise that moves under its own power -
John McCarthy
coins the term artificial intelligence -
John McCarthy
LISP the most commonly used AI language introduced -
Dr. Nobert Weiner
suggests computers that can think like humans -
beaten by his checkers program -
Dr Frank Rosenblatt
demonstrates the perceptrons coupled to a simpe neutral network -
Dr Weizenbaum
designs ELIZA -
fuzzy logic introduced -
Work begun on DENDRAL, the first expert system
Minsky and Papert
prove perceptions cannot be used as a basis of a general computer -
a radio linked, mobile robot with a built-in tv -
Terry Winograd
PROLOG developed
an expert system to diagnose baterial infections produced -
Shear Magic
developments in knowledge
Fifth Generation Project
a natural based PC database program is introduced
ANN's lead to solving problems associated with pattern matching
US military used AI based technology in weapon systems
voice and character recognition
AI chat robot