
articles of confederation

  • Creation of the state of Franklin

    Creation of the state of Franklin
    The state of franklin was created.It was North Carolina didn't want the state of franklin. it was going to be the 16th state.
  • Start of shays rebellion

    Start of shays rebellion
    the rebellion was mostly in Massachusetts. they were rebelling tax collections. The leader was Daniel shays. He was a caption in the continental army.
  • Annapolis convention

    Annapolis convention
    for the convention they met in Annapolis, Maryland. 12 delagates from five states were there. the five states were: New jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia.
  • End of shays rebellion

    End of shays rebellion
    Benjamin Lincoln stopped the rebels in 1787. After that, they went to Rhode island, then Vermont.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    It was 4 act drama. it was also about the constitution. Rhode island didn't accept the invitation the got from the Annapolis convention. The constitutional convention was made to go over the constitution.
  • Ending of the state of franklin

    Ending of the state of franklin
    The state of franklin ended. North Carolinadddnt watthe state of franklin. Because they didn't want the state of franklin,it wasn't approved by congress.