
Articles of Confederation

  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    The meeting of 12 states delagates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that replaced the Articles of Confederation with a new Constitution.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles o Confederation was the 1st plan of government for the USA, it gave the states power, & left a weak Centural government.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris gave the U.S. most of the land from the Atlantic Ocean West to the Mississippi River.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Daniel shay's led 1,000 carmers in a protest in Massachusits against the high taxes on farm land.
  • 1st president of the U.S.

    1st president of the U.S.
    Gerorge Washington was elected.
  • 1st president was sworn

    1st president was sworn
    On a balcony at Federal Hall in New York City.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    Tha plan adopted by the Constitutional Convention in 1787, that established 3 branches of the federal government.
  • New Jersy Plan

    The plan offerd by the small state's at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that would have given all the states an equal number of representatives in congress.
  • The Northwest Ordiance

    The Northwest Ordiance
    The Northwest Ordiance was a plan for new territories to become states.
  • The Grat Compromise

    The Grat Compromise
    The plan drawn up at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to form two houses of Congress.
  • Preamble

    The Introduction to the Preamble.
  • Signing of The Constitution

    Signing of The Constitution
    A plan of Government.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    Delaware became the 1st state to ratify the Constitution.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, and Connecticut.
  • Constitution ratified by one more state

    Constitution ratified by one more state
    New Hampshire
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    This debat was over protecting citizenz rights, delagates felt these rights must be apart of the Constitution.
  • The Constitution ratified by the 8th and fianal state

    The Constitution ratified by the 8th and fianal state
    Rhode Island.
  • The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution

    The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution
    Are the just 10 admendments to the Constitution.
  • The Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court
    The head of the Judicle Branch.