Lawren harris photo

Art History Lawren Harris

By akasha
  • Parents

    Lawrens parents names were
    MOM: Annie J. Stewart

    DAD: Thomas Morgan Harris from 1862-1894 he died at the age of 32
  • Lawren Stewart Harris Date of Birth

    Lawren Stewart Harris Date of Birth
    Lawren Stewart Harris was born on October 23 in 1885 to Thomas Morgan Harris and Annie J. Stewart. He was born in Branford, Ontairo.
  • His Career

    His Career
    Lawren Started painting around the age of 19 while he was studying in Europe for about 4 years.
  • Lawrens Educational life

    Lawrens Educational life
    He attended various schools including St. Andrew's College, atlawren fist went to University College and the University of Toronto. Before the end of his first year at the University, at the age of nineteen, lawren went to Europe to learn everything about art. he studied untill he was about twentyfour (four years) he studdied in Berlin. While he was in Europe he traveled to Austria, Italy, France, England, Damascus, Cairo and Jerusalem. in 1908 he came back to canad aand became a part of the art
  • married twice?

    married twice?
    Lawren wa married twice! Lawren harris was first married to Beatrice Phillips in 1910. On January 20th 1910 they had three children together born in the first decade of their marrige. Their son, Lawren P. Harris also became and artist. He then divorced Beatrice and was then married to Bess Housser in 1934. Bess was a painter as well as Lawren.
  • His style of painting

    at the start, Lawern was a very detailed painter useing very little color in his work, he he liked to paint houses, bulidings and town scenes.He then progressed into more of a European style of painting. Then, after traveled northwest, to Lake Superior, he found a total differnt style. his style has been changed ever since. His paintings were more smooth, didnt use very many detail and used less color. the colors he would normaly use are blue, white, and brown with a little bit of yellow.
  • style of painting #2

    style of painting #2
    Lawren would use less color, as said before, and would now usually only paint mountains, lakes, clouds and some times trees. His painting beame a lot more simple from before. the mountins would be painted with big curved lines and no detali other then snow. his paintins looked more unrealistic.
  • In the army

    In the army
    in 1916 Lawren went to the army for around two years. after that, he then was discharged from the army due to his brothers death and having a nervous breakdown.
  • Lawrens Influence

    Lawrens Influence
    Lawren harris was influenced by Tom Thomson, who is also a member of the group of seven.
  • group of seven #3

    They decited to create paintings of their canadian memories and experiences. They decited to form a group in 1920 to paint about them and all their different experiences. This group was called Group of Seven.
  • group of seven #2

    Some people think the group of seven actually formed in 1911 instead of 1920 when a group of talented artists started to wokr for an art design company in toronto. They all became good friends because they were painters who believed in the true spirit of art. soon enough these artists met other's who are just as talented and felt the same way about art.
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    Starting in 1920 and finishing in 1933, seven men came together and made up a group called Group of Seven. The members of Group of Seven are, Tom Thomson, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H Macdonald, and Fredrick Varley. Over time, they decited to invite in 1926 A.J Casson. in 1930, Edwin Holgate was to join and in 1932 LeMoin Fitzgerald became a memeber of Group of Seven.
  • moved for life

    moved for life
    In 1940 Lawren moved to Vancouver, British Columbia and stayed there for the rest of his life. he died in vancouver at the age of 85.
  • 1948. year of recognition

    1948 was a year of Lawren's recognition: he was awarded honorary degrees from the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto and was given an exhibition at the Toronto Art Gallery. That was the first time a living artist was so honoured by the Gallery.
  • Lawren's Death

    Lawren's Death
    When Lawren Harris died he was 85 years old and he died in Vancouver, Britsh Columbia. He died on January 29th 1970.