Art History

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


    A cultural movement that started in Italy and later moved throughout the rest of Europe
  • Jan 1, 1504

    Michaelangelo (Renaissance)

    Michaelangelo (Renaissance)
    In 1504 Michaelangelo completed the incredible sculpture, David, this piece is one of the premier pieces that truly represent nd show the characteristics of renaisance work. It shows the proper proportions that became evident in such renaissance art. The art of the Renaissance reflected society because as life was secularized, the art moved away from church themes and became more personal like in the David.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance)

    Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance)
    Leonardo da Vinci finishes the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa represents Renaisaance artwork because of the use of perspective and the proper proportions. In previous styles, proportions were not a factor whereas in Renaissance work they were used efficiently. This artwork reflected society as they strayed away from church themes and created a more secular society.
  • Period: to


    A period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama.
  • Rembrandt (Baroque)

    Rembrandt (Baroque)
    In 1633, Dutch arttist Rembrandt finished one of his more popular pieces called the Storm on the Sea of Galilee. This piece shows characteristics of Baroque artwork in its use of realistic figures with dramatic contrast. In this piece it does not show any mythological figures but they were often used in Baroque art. This piece reflects society in its extravagance, because art during this period was often supported by the very wealthy few who appreciated such paintings.
  • Period: to


    A western movement in the Arts that drew inspiration from classical art and literature.
  • John Milton (Neoclassical)

    John Milton (Neoclassical)
    John Milton was a Neoclassical poet. He had many great poems but one that really stood out to me was called, "Another on the Same". The Neoclassical era somewhat coincided with the age of enlightenment. His works reflected society because in these poems, he brought new ideas that were different from old ways. He expressed these ideas in his writing and other writers did as well.
  • Johannes Vermeer (Baroque)

    Johannes Vermeer (Baroque)
    Johannes Vermeer was a very skilled Baroque artist. One of his more famous pieces is called Girl with a Pearl Earring. This piece exhibits the use of realistic figures, like other Baroque pieces. This reflects society because he painted a self portrait for someone who clearly had the money to pay for such a high quality painting. It shows how the wealthy people in society had money and an appreciation for art.
  • Period: to


    Sometimes called late baroque, this period was developed in France and had strict regulations.
  • Jean-Antoine Watteau (Rococo)

    Jean-Antoine Watteau (Rococo)
    Jean-Antoine Watteau was one of the more well known Rococo artists. One of his better pieces in my opinion is this one called A Polish Woman. It shows the basic characteristics of Rococc art in the ornate design and delicate features. It reflects scoiety because of this ornate design, reflecting the lavish lifestyle and excesses of Louis XV's reign.
  • Jean-Baptiste Pater (Rococo)

    Jean-Baptiste Pater (Rococo)
    Pater was a well known Rococo artist because of his piece titled, Die Freuden des Landlebens. This piece showed Rococo characteristics in the lavish designs. It reflected society because it shows several people dressed in very expensive clothes. It shows the excesses of life at the time.
  • Period: to


    An artistic, literary, and intellectual movement in Europe, partly as a reaction to the industrial revolution. This period went from the French Revolution through the rule of Napoleon.
  • Jacques-Louis David (Neoclassical)

    Jacques-Louis David (Neoclassical)
    Jacques-Louis David was one of the better artists during the Neoclassical time period. This piece is a portarait of Napoleon Bonaparte in all of his glory. This shows the radiant colors and extravagant detail in a neocalssical piece. This reflects the society during this time period because it was during the rule of Napoleon. During Napoleon's rule, he was seen as superior and a lot of artwork during this time period were portraits displaying his greatness.
  • Eugène Delacroix (Romanticism)

    Eugène Delacroix (Romanticism)
    Eugène Delacroix was an artist during the French revolution and one of the more popular Romantic Artists. This is called "Liberty Leading the People". It reflects the revolutionary spirit of society by painting a scene of revolution with the tricolor flag.
  • Edgar Allan Poe (Romanticism)

    Edgar Allan Poe (Romanticism)
    One of the romantic writers that really stood out to me was Edgar Allan Poe. I remember reading a piece of his called "The Raven". This poem really spoke to me. It really reflects society because during the romantic period emotion is more important than reason. Edgar Allan Poe proves this in several pieces of his.
  • Period: to

    Impressionism and Post-Impressionism

    An artistic movement originating from artists in Paris, such as Claude Monet.
  • Period: to


    A modernist movement originating with art and poetry in Germany.
  • Edvard Munch (Expressionism)

    Edvard Munch (Expressionism)
    Edvard Munch painted this painting during the Expressionist period. I have seen this painting hundreds of times now. This painting is a very influencial piece during the expressionist period. It is called "The Scream". Edvard Munch is one of the more popular artists during this time. It reflects the society at the time because there was conflict during this time in the years leading up to World War 1.
  • Period: to


    An early 20th century movement that revolutionized European art and sculpture.
  • Pablo Picasso (Cubism)

    Pablo Picasso (Cubism)
    This is a Cubist work by Pablo Picasso. Picasso is one of the most well known artists ever, let alone artists during the cubism period. This piece is called "Factory, Horta de Ebbo". It is one of the premier cubist works. Abract art had recently been created and the new ideas of how to create art reflected the new ideas that were brought up in the society at the time.
  • Georges Braque (Cubism)

    Georges Braque (Cubism)
    Georges Braque was one of the artists whoe exclusively worked on cubist paintings. One of his most famous works is called "Violin and Candlestick." This work shows the cubism characteristics, using 3D ways to paint. It reflects society in the use of his new idea to paint abstract work with 3D cubes in his design, giving a different look from traditional pieces. It reflects the new ideas of society at the time.
  • Claude Monet (Impressionism)

    Claude Monet (Impressionism)
    Claude Monet in my opinion is the best Impressionist artist. His works are just beautiful. One of his better works is "Water Lillies". Monet was seen to be the most influencial Impressionist artist who changed art at the time. He used beautiful scenes of nature and delicate shading to make his work better. It reflected society as society looked towards the beauty of nature as they had not before.
  • James Joyce (Impressionism)

    James Joyce (Impressionism)
    James Joyce was an author during the Impressionistm and Post-Impressionism periods. He wrote books, but one of his more famous works was called "Ulysses". It reflected society because of the bringing of new ideas and the rejection of limitations that had previously held people back.
  • Wassily Kandinsky (expressionism)

    Wassily Kandinsky (expressionism)
    Wassily Kandinsky was the artist in the expressionist era who was credited to have created abstract art. This work is called "Transverse line", it is one of his more popular absract works. It reflects society because he was bringing in new ideas. He was challenging the ways art could be created and the norms.
  • Current Day

    Current Day