Art History (Fall 2017)

By stammzj
  • Period: 327 BCE to 27 BCE

    Greece & the Hellenistic Period

  • Period: 400 to 1400

    The Middle Ages & the Benedictine Order

  • 700

    Portait of Erza

    Portait of Erza
    from the Codex Amiatinus (early 700s AD)
  • Period: 1206 to 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

  • 1285

    Madonna Ruccelai

    Madonna Ruccelai
    Duccio di Buoninsegna
  • Period: 1300 to


    began in Florence, Italy
  • 1310

    Christ and the Samaritan Woman

    Christ and the Samaritan Woman
  • 1314

    Ognissanti Madonna (recreation)

    Ognissanti Madonna (recreation)
  • 1338

    Ambrogio Lorenzetti

    Ambrogio Lorenzetti
  • 1377


    Metal Type
  • 1390

    Cennino Cennini- "The Craftman's Handbook"

    Cennino Cennini- "The Craftman's Handbook"
  • 1400

    Tacuinum Sanitatis

    Tacuinum Sanitatis
  • 1415

    Linear Perspective

    Linear Perspective
    architect Fillipo Brunelleschi
  • 1425

    Masaccio- Holy Trinity

    Masaccio- Holy Trinity
    advancing perspective
  • 1427

    Bidding Farewell at the Tiger Hill

    Bidding Farewell at the Tiger Hill
    Shen Zhou
  • 1434

    Jan Van Eyck- Arnolfini Wedding

    Jan Van Eyck- Arnolfini Wedding
  • 1434

    Emerald Buddha

    Emerald Buddha
  • 1435

    Alberti's On Painting (Della Picture)

    Alberti's On Painting (Della Picture)
  • 1436

    Lucca Madonna

    Lucca Madonna
    Jan Van Eyck
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg's printing press
  • 1454

    Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg Bible
  • 1475

    Michelangelo- David

    Michelangelo- David
  • 1480

    Carlo Crivelli

    Carlo Crivelli
  • 1498

    Albrecht Dürer

    Albrecht Dürer
  • 1509

    Madonna of Loreto

    Madonna of Loreto
  • 1519

    Titian- Pesaro Madonna

    Titian- Pesaro Madonna
  • 1526

    Adam and Eve

    Adam and Eve
    Lucas Cranach the Elder
  • 1563

    Giorgio Vasari's Accademia del Disegno

    Giorgio Vasari's Accademia del Disegno
    Florence, Italy
  • 1563

    Giuseppe Arcimboldo- Vegetables in a Bowl or the Gardener

    Giuseppe Arcimboldo- Vegetables in a Bowl or the Gardener
  • 1567

    The Peasant Wedding

    The Peasant Wedding
    Peter Bruegel the Elder
  • Giuseppe Arcimboldo- Reversible Head with Basket of Fruit

    Giuseppe Arcimboldo- Reversible Head with Basket of Fruit
  • Florentine Pietà

    Florentine Pietà
  • Period: to


    began in Rome
  • Juan Sanchez Cotan- Still Life

    Juan Sanchez Cotan- Still Life
  • Frans Snyders- Still Life

    Frans Snyders- Still Life
  • Judith Slaying Holofernes

    Judith Slaying Holofernes
    Artemisia Gentileschi
  • Venus and Adonis

    Venus and Adonis
    Peter Paul Rubens
  • Equestrian Portrait of King Philip II of Spain

    Equestrian Portrait of King Philip II of Spain
    Peter Paul Rubens
  • The Age of Absolutism and the French Academy

    The Age of Absolutism and the French Academy
    included two hours of life drawing per day
  • The Milkmaid

    The Milkmaid
    by Johannes Vermeer
  • Jan Steen- The Dissolute Household

    Jan Steen- The Dissolute Household
  • Sir Isaac Newton- Opticks

    Sir Isaac Newton- Opticks
  • Mr. and Mrs. Andrews

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
    Thomas Gainsborough
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Color Wheel

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Color Wheel
  • Period: to


    began in Rome
  • The Swing

    The Swing
    Jean Honoré Fragonnard
  • Michel Eugène Chevreul's Color System

    Michel Eugène Chevreul's Color System
  • Period: to


  • Napoleon Crossing the Alps

    Napoleon Crossing the Alps
    Jacques-Louis David
  • Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne

    Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne
    Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
  • The First Known Photograph (Heliography)

    The First Known Photograph (Heliography)
    view from the window at Le Gras
    by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
  • Ogden Rood's Color System

    Ogden Rood's Color System
  • Boulevard du Temple

    Boulevard du Temple
    Louis Daguerre
    "i have seized the light -- i have arrested its flight!"
  • Osage Scalp Dance

    Osage Scalp Dance
    Jon Mix Stanley
  • Valley of the Shadow of Death

    Valley of the Shadow of Death
    Roger Fenton
  • Albert Henry Munsell's Color System

    Albert Henry Munsell's Color System
  • Édouard Manet- Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe

    Édouard Manet- Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe
  • Woman with Parrot

    Woman with Parrot
    Gustave Courbet
  • Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1

    Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1
    James McNeill Whistler
  • Entrée du village de Voisins

    Entrée du village de Voisins
    Camille Pissaro;
    impressionism as a reaction to photography
  • Talbotypes (calotypes)

    Talbotypes (calotypes)
    Henry Fox Talbot
  • The Sick Husband

    The Sick Husband
    Vassily Maksimov
  • Bar at the Folie Bergere

    Bar at the Folie Bergere
    Edouard Manet
  • The Potato Eaters

    The Potato Eaters
    Vincent Van Gogh
  • Vincent Van Gogh- The Night Cafe

    Vincent Van Gogh- The Night Cafe
  • Portrait of the Artist's Mother

    Portrait of the Artist's Mother
    Vincent Van Gogh
  • They Did Not Expect Him

    They Did Not Expect Him
  • Portrait of the Artist's Mother

    Portrait of the Artist's Mother
    Mary Cassatt
  • The Starry Night

    The Starry Night
    Vincent Van Gogh
  • Maternité

    Mary Cassatt
  • At the Moulin Rouge

    At the Moulin Rouge
    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
  • Rouen Cathedral

    Rouen Cathedral
    Claude Monet
  • The Banjo Lesson

    The Banjo Lesson
    Henry Ossawa Tanner
  • The Three Stages of Woman (Sphinx)

    The Three Stages of Woman (Sphinx)
    Edvard Munch
  • The Basket of Apples

    The Basket of Apples
    Paul Cezanne
  • A Trip to the Moon

    A Trip to the Moon
    Georges Méliès
  • He That Is Without Sin

    He That Is Without Sin
  • Tote Mutter (Dead Mother)

    Tote Mutter (Dead Mother)
    Egon Schiele
  • Composition VI

    Composition VI
    Wassily Kandinsky
  • Mystery and Melancholy of a Street

    Mystery and Melancholy of a Street
    Giorgio de Chirico
  • The Banquet of the Starved

    The Banquet of the Starved
    James Ensor
  • 0.10 Exhibition

    0.10 Exhibition
    suprematist exhibition
  • Black Square

    Black Square
    Kazimir Malevich
  • Fountain

    Marcel Duchamp
  • Abbott H. Thayer

    Abbott H. Thayer
    experiments the laws of disguise through nature
  • Mina Loy

    Mina Loy
    Man Ray
  • Marlene

    Hannah Hotch
  • Rayograph (The Kiss)

    Rayograph (The Kiss)
    Man Ray
  • Evening Attire

    Evening Attire
    James Van Der Zee
  • The Futurist Cookbook

    The Futurist Cookbook
    F.T. Marinetti Fillia
  • "aura"

    Walter Benjamin;
    for art in the age of mechanical reproduction
  • The Luncheon in Fur

    The Luncheon in Fur
    Meret Oppenheim
  • Migrant Mother with Three Children

    Migrant Mother with Three Children
    Dorothea Lange
  • The Two Fridas

    The Two Fridas
    Frida Kahlo
  • Freedom From Want

    Freedom From Want
    Norman Rockwell
  • Montien Boonma

    Montien Boonma
    sculpture series
  • Corpus Hypercubus

    Corpus Hypercubus
    Salvador Dali
  • Pantone

  • Yves Klein- Anthropometry

    Yves Klein- Anthropometry
    controversial performance
  • Pablo Picasso- Dejeuner Sur l'herbe

    Pablo Picasso- Dejeuner Sur l'herbe
    recreation of Manet's work
  • Prose Poems

    Prose Poems
    Daniel Spoerri
  • Campbell's Soup Cans

    Campbell's Soup Cans
    Andy Warhol
  • Floor Burger

    Floor Burger
    Claes Oldenburg
  • Make a Salad

    Make a Salad
    Allison Knowles
  • Josef Albers' Interaction of Color

    Josef Albers' Interaction of Color
  • Kichka's Breakfast

    Kichka's Breakfast
    Daniel Spoerri
  • Triomphe de Moules I

    Triomphe de Moules I
    Marcel Broodthaers
  • Seated Woman and Child (Femme assise et enfant)

    Seated Woman and Child (Femme assise et enfant)
    Juan Miro
  • Parangoles

    Hélio Oiticica
  • Eden

    Hélio Oiticica
  • Rothko Chapel

    Rothko Chapel
  • S.O.S.Starification Object Series

    S.O.S.Starification Object Series
    Hannah Wilke
    w/ 15 chewing gum sculptures mountain to board
  • Roden Crater

    Roden Crater
    James Turrell
  • Literaturwurst

    Dieter Ruth
  • FOOD

    store in SoHo, NYC
    Carol Goodden, Tina Girouard, Gordon Matta-Clark
  • S.O.S.Starification Object Series

    S.O.S.Starification Object Series
    Hannah Wilke
  • Interior Scroll

    Interior Scroll
    Carolee Schneeman
  • TV Buddha

    TV Buddha
    Nam June Paik
  • Silueta Series

    Silueta Series
    Ana Mendieta
  • Quilting Time

    Quilting Time
    Romare Bearden
  • Isia Leviant- Enigma

    Isia Leviant- Enigma
  • Untitled (Fallen Angel)

    Untitled (Fallen Angel)
    Jean Michel Basquiat
  • Fertility Series B

    Fertility Series B
    Keith Harring
  • The Chromatic Diet

    The Chromatic Diet
    Sophie Calle
  • Immediate Family

    Immediate Family
    Sally Mann
  • Guerrilla Girls

    Guerrilla Girls
  • A Fire in My Belly

    A Fire in My Belly
    David Wojnarowicz
  • Piss Christ

    Piss Christ
    Andres Serrano
  • Portrait (Futago)

    Portrait (Futago)
    Yasumasa Morimura
  • Bismullah

    Rasheed Araeen
  • Cornered

    Andrian Piper
  • Stereo Styles

    Stereo Styles
    Lorna Simpson
  • Guarded Conditions

    Guarded Conditions
    Lorna Simpson
  • The Kitchen Table Series

    The Kitchen Table Series
    Carrie Mae Weems
  • Buddha Statue of Hyderabad

    Buddha Statue of Hyderabad
  • Felix Gonzalez Torres

    Felix Gonzalez Torres
    175 pounds of hard candy
  • Monywa Buddhas

    Monywa Buddhas
  • Untitled (Free/Still)

    Untitled (Free/Still)
    Rirkrit Tiravanija
  • The Temple of All Religions

    The Temple of All Religions
    Ildar Khanov;
  • Modes of Transport

    Modes of Transport
    Fred Wilson;
    Mining the Museum
  • The Couple in a Cage: Two Amerindians Visit the West

    The Couple in a Cage: Two Amerindians Visit the West
    Guillermo Gómez-Peña & Coco Fusco
  • Spider

    Louise Bourgeois
    representation of her mother
    (Tate Modern 2000)
  • New Mothers Series

    New Mothers Series
    Rineke Dijkstra
  • Untitled

    Rudolf Stingel
  • Wigs

    Lorna Simpson
  • Electronic Superhighway Continental US

    Electronic Superhighway Continental US
    Nam June Paik
  • Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Without Their Heads

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Without Their Heads
    Yinka Shonibare
  • Alexander McQueen- S/S 1999

    Alexander McQueen- S/S 1999
    spray-painting dresses
  • The Swing (after Fragonard)

    The Swing (after Fragonard)
    Yinka Shonibare
  • Equestrian Portrait of King Philip II

    Equestrian Portrait of King Philip II
    Kehinde Wiley
  • Andrea Zittel, A-Z Homestead

    Andrea Zittel, A-Z Homestead
    modernized, efficient homes
  • Self Portrait Nursing

    Self Portrait Nursing
    Catherine Opie
  • Napoleon Leading the Army Over the Alps

    Napoleon Leading the Army Over the Alps
    Kehinde Wiley
  • Ice T

    Ice T
    Kehinde Wiley
  • Momme Portrait Series (Shadow)

    Momme Portrait Series (Shadow)
    LaToya Ruby Frazier
  • America

    neon light picture by Glenn Ligon not depicted -- "30 Americans": (exhibition) african american artists exploring and emerging in the contemporary art scene in the United States, as well as the rest of the word
  • Winter Solstice 2012 Dinner Party

    Winter Solstice 2012 Dinner Party
    Nicole Eisenman
  • Le déjeuner sur l'herbe: Les Trois Femmes Noires

    Le déjeuner sur l'herbe: Les Trois Femmes Noires
    Mickalene Thomas
  • RGB Colorspace Atlas

    RGB Colorspace Atlas
    book; airbrushed cloth cover and page edges
  • Sunday Night Dinner

    Sunday Night Dinner
    Nicole Eisenman
  • Doucle Cross

    Doucle Cross
    Theaster Gates
  • Claim

    William Pope L.
  • The Marvelous Sugar Baby (A Subtlety)

    The Marvelous Sugar Baby (A Subtlety)
    Kara Walker
  • You Are My Sunshine

    You Are My Sunshine
    Wangechi Mutu
  • CanoeKeneJaguarPataLampLight

    Ernesto Neto
  • Soundsuit

    Nick Cave
  • Speak Louder

    Speak Louder
    Nick Cave
  • Monochrome Black History

    Monochrome Black History
    Theaster Gates
  • "Art Hoe"

    "Art Hoe"
    Amanda Stenberg & Willow Smith
  • The Wonder Gaze (Erased Lynching Series)

    The Wonder Gaze (Erased Lynching Series)
    Ken Gonzalez-Day