
Art History 3521

  • 1483

    Virgin of the Rocks, Leonardo Da Vinci

    Virgin of the Rocks, Leonardo Da Vinci
    "The Virgin of the Rocks" by Leonardo da Vinci is a captivating Renaissance masterpiece known for its interplay of light and shadow. Painted in the late 15th century, it depicts the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and John the Baptist in a serene grotto setting. Leonardo's meticulous details and innovative use of sfumato technique create a timeless sense of spiritual transcendence, making it a cornerstone of Western art history.
  • Period: 1483 to 1512

    HISTART 3521

  • 1490

    The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci

    The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" is a seminal Renaissance artwork renowned for its depth and symbolism. Painted in the late 15th century, it captures the dramatic moment of Jesus' announcement of betrayal. Leonardo's meticulous composition and portrayal of individual emotions among the disciples create a powerful narrative. The painting's innovative use of perspective and attention to detail make it an enduring masterpiece, rich with religious and artistic significance.
  • 1501

    David, Michelangelo

    David, Michelangelo
    Michelangelo's David is a towering symbol of Renaissance artistry, crafted from marble in the early 16th century. Depicting the biblical hero David in contemplative readiness before his battle with Goliath, the sculpture stands over 17 feet tall. Celebrated for its idealized human form, it embodies Michelangelo's genius in transforming stone into lifelike beauty.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci

    Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is an iconic portrait that embodies the enigmatic allure of the Renaissance. Painted in the early 16th century, it depicts a woman with a mysterious smile against a backdrop of ethereal landscapes. The painting's subtle use of sfumato technique and intricate attention to detail lend it timeless fascination, making it one of the most celebrated works of art in the world.
  • 1509

    School of Athens, Raphael

    School of Athens, Raphael
    Raphael's "School of Athens" is a Renaissance masterpiece, painted in the early 16th century. It depicts great philosophers and scholars from antiquity in a grand architectural setting. With its balanced composition and symbolic elements, it reflects Raphael's mastery of perspective and allegory, embodying the intellectual spirit of the era.
  • 1510

    The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo

    The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo
    Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" is an iconic fresco from the early 16th century, part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It depicts God breathing life into Adam, showcasing Michelangelo's mastery of anatomy and emotion, and stands as a pinnacle of Renaissance art.
  • 1510

    The Alba Madonna, Raphael

    The Alba Madonna, Raphael
    Raphael's "Alba Madonna" is a masterpiece of Renaissance art. Painted in the early 16th century, it portrays the Virgin Mary cradling the infant Jesus while St. John the Baptist stands beside them. The painting's harmonious composition and soft, delicate colors reflect Raphael's mastery of balance and beauty. With its serene atmosphere and tender expressions, the "Alba Madonna" exemplifies the idealized elegance of Renaissance religious painting.
  • 1512

    The Sistine Madonna

    The Sistine Madonna
    Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" is a renowned masterpiece of Renaissance art. Completed in the early 16th century, it depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child, surrounded by two cherubim at her feet. The painting's ethereal beauty and emotional depth showcase Raphael's exceptional skill in capturing human expression and divine grace. With its rich colors and intricate details, the "Sistine Madonna" remains a beloved symbol of spiritual reverence and artistic excellence.