Period: to
Bauhaus Movement
New take on art and functionality. Art as a utility. -
Period: to
The Great Depression
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The Owatonna Art Education Project
published in 1944, the Owatonna Art Education Project provided a justification for arts integration in schools and daily lives -
Art as Experience Published
John Dewey writes and publishes book, Art as Experience. -
Period: to
WPA program under FDR
Leon Winslow's book, The Integrated School Art Program is published
Leon Winslow's book, The Integrated School Art Program (1939), is published at the height of the Progressive Movement in Education. Advocated for creative expression and said art should be taught for broad cultural purposes, making it important for integrating into regular school curriculum. -
Viktor Lowenfeld writes "The Nature of Creativity"
WWII Starts
World War II starts when Hitler invades Poland -
Period: to
"Art Today: An Introduction to the Fine and Functional" textbook published
In 1941, Edwin Ziegfield, Ray Faulkner, and Gerald Hill publish the textbook, Art Today: An Introduction to the Fine and Functional. -
Pearl Harbor attack
At 7:55 AM on a Sunday, hundreds of Japanese warplanes, launched from aircraft carriers far out at sea, attack the American Pacific fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. -
USA joins WWII
The US declares war on Japan after Pearl Harbor attack -
Victor D'Amico piblishes Creative Teaching in Art.
Victor D'Amico expresses his own methods of teaching in Creative Teaching in Art (1942). -
Period: to
Art as part of the War Effort
There was a rise in patriotism and nationalism in K-12 schools during the war. Arts abandoned "escapist tendencies" that allowed for free self expression and art for art-sake. Art was used as a utility through posters, and other art activities all for the sake of the war effort. -
Japanese Internment Camps begin
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, forcing all Japanese-Americans to evacuate the West Coast and move into internment camps. -
First mention of war in School Arts Magazine
Articles feature titles such as "Art Education is National Defense" and "Defend America Posters" -
Stella E. Wilder publishes "Art Teacher Call to Arms"
Wilder publishes "Art Teacher Call to Arms" in School arts -
School Arts Magazine 1942- Largely Dedicated to WWII
Theme of this September 1942 issue was "American Life" -
Poster Propaganda in schools
Article about Defense Poster Program first appears in School Arts Magazine -
"Schools-at-War" program organized
The Schools-at-War program is organized, sponsored by the War Savings Staff of the Treasury Department and the U.S. Office of Education. -
"Total War Means Schools at War"
Nancy Larrick's article "Total War Means Schools at War" is published in The Clearing House Journal -
First issue of Schools-at-War Bulletin
Inaugural issue of "Schools at War Bulletin" published
Link text -
Poster Art Education in "Schools-at-War"
[Link text] (lhttps://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc145/m1/1/) -
"Art in the Service of Schools-at-War" bulletin published
WWII ends
Japanese sign unconditional surrender and end WWII -
Viktor Lowenfeld writes "Creative and Mental Growth"
This first edition became the most influential art education textbook of the post war era -
Period: to
The Cold War
NAEA founded
Period: to
Vietnam War
The National Defense Education Act
The National Defense Education Act, NDEA, is passed by Congress and heavily supported by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The act called for schools to emphasize science and math in the hope that children with natural ability in these subjects would pursue careers that would eventually aid the United States National Defense and thus outmatch the Soviet Union's military, technology and research. The arts were greatly de-emphasized during this time because they were considered frivolous. -
Paulo Freire publishes "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
beginning of critical pedagogy -
DBAE begins
promotes art education across four disciplines- aesthetics, art criticism, art history, and art production -
"Arts and Politics: Do They Mix?"
Kerry Freedman publishes "Art Education and Changing Political Agendas: An Analysis of Curriculum Concerns of the 1940s and 1950s"
[link text] lhttps://www.jstor.org/stable/1320453?seq=3#page_scan_tab_contents) -
9/11 terror attack
the 9/11 attack on NYC and Washington D.C. caused a shift in American ideology and a resurgence of nationalism -
Penelope Orr writes "Exploring the September 11th, 2001 Terrorist Attack"
In Art Education Journal, Volume 55, 2002 -
Where's the Art in Today's Art Education? by Michelle Marder Kamhi
Criticism of visual culture in art education.
[Link text] (lwww.aristos.org/whatart/arted-1.htm) -
"Art Education - Intrinsic Purpose or Political Agenda?" by Pauline Hadaway
"Teaching about War and Political Art in the New Millennium"
Art education during Iraq war
[link text] (www.jstor.org.proxy-remote.galib.uga.edu/stable/3194079?&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents) -
"The Idea of America: Four Questions for Student Artists" by Christa Olson and William Reichard
"What Hope Is There for Art Education?" by Michelle Marder Kamhi
[link text] (www.aristos.org/aris-09/arteducation.htm) -
"Art Education and Social Justice": The 2010 NAEA Convention
"The Hijacking of Art Education" by Michelle Marder Kamhi
Criticism of political agenda in art education. Also wrote a similar piece for the NYT.