
  • Line Drawing

    Line Drawing
    I liked this task because it was an interesting and different task which makes the task more fun.
  • Points Drawing

    Points Drawing
    This task I didn´t like it because it was very complicated to draw with only points, besides the hand gets tired very often.
  • Plane Drawing

    Plane Drawing
    For me this task was very boring because it was just cutting some papers sticking them and that was it, it wasn´t very fun.
  • Final Drawing - Abstraction

    Final Drawing - Abstraction
    I liked this task because it was a mixture from some drawings I did and the shield of a football team, besides I had the chance to mix drawings and many elements
  • Artists Research - Illusion of Movement

    Artists Research - Illusion of Movement
    I didn´t like this task because we spend like 2 classes doing this and was very boring.
  • First Stopmotion Video

    First Stopmotion Video
    I liked this task because we had to look many things before filming the video. This was very cool to do.
  • Thaumotrope

    I liked this task because I had the chance to try many options before doing the final draft.
  • Stopmotion Flipbook

    Stopmotion Flipbook
    I finded this task a very complex task because we had to draw a lot, and sometimes we had to erase many pages to do in another way.
  • Stopmotion Video in a group

    This task was very fun because we could mix all of our stories and get a great final product. Also filming the video was very funny because there were various mistakes and had to start all over again
  • Canon de belleza - Renaissance

    I found this task a little bit boring because we had to do a lot of research.
  • Box - Final Project

    Box - Final Project
    This was my favourite task because I coud put in my box whatever I wanted to put, so it was very fun.
  • Timeline

    This task was a bit boring because we had to look for all of the tasks we did in the year, so it was a bit stressful.