Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Career By NguyenJ87 1964 Start of bodybuilding career Arnold chose bodybuilding over other sports that he participated in and began his official career in bodybuilding Source 1965 Austrian Army Arnold served in the Austrian Army as a requirement Source 1966 Mr. Universe Competes and wins 2nd place in Mr. Universe in London Source 1967 First place Mr. Universe Arnold competes and wins first place in Mr. Universe Source 1968 Trains under Joe Weider In September of 1968, Arnold migrates to United States and starts training under Joe Weider Source 1969 Mr. Olympia Arnold competes in Mr. Olympia for the first time Source 1970 First place in Mr. Olympia Arnold places first in Mr. Olympia Source 1977 Pumping Iron Arnold stars in bodybuilding documentary "Pumping Iron" Source