
Armaan Grewal

  • Jan 1, 1066

    Hastings war

    Hastings war
  • Period: Feb 25, 1066 to Feb 25, 1400

    Knights timeline

  • Feb 27, 1089

    Armour is still developing

    Armour is still developing
    Helmet is wider with wider nose band
    surcoat worn over chainmail armour
    to deflect sun, feel are also covered covered
    in chainmail.
  • Feb 27, 1100

    Development of Armour

    Development of Armour
    in the early 1100s the armour was
    very rudimentary as it only consisted of
    a round helmet with chainmail and a wollen
    padded tunic underneath it.
  • Feb 27, 1350

    As armour develops more

    As armour develops more
    Bascinets helmets covering the whole
    head were worn to protect the eyes ears
    and nose, iron gloves called gauntlets
    iron chestplate and iron thighs to protect
    the heart and another major arterie
  • Jan 28, 1400

    Armour is at its best

    Armour is at its best
    whole body is covered in iron armour including feet
    No need for the shield, armour weighs 25kgs but is
    much more flexible than chain armour, lighter helmets
    called barbutes