Argonne National Lab Founded
Argonne National Lab was founded on July 1, 1946 in Lemont, Illinois. -
First Atomic Submarine
USS Nautilus is the first atomic submarine which was created by Argonne.It is able to cross under the Arctic polar cap without coming to the surface. -
First Atomic Electricity
Nuclear energy was first used to create electricity when Argonne's Experimental Breeder lit up four light bulbs. -
Two New Elements
Scientists at the Argonne lab helped discover two new elements. They co-discovered einsteinium and fermium, elements 99 and 100, on the periodic table. -
Town Lit by Atoms
Argonne's BORAX-III was the first nuclear reactor to light an entire town. -
Queen Federika visits
The queen of Greece visited the Argonne National Lab -
Molecular Dynamics
Using an early PC a scientist calculated the reactions of simple molecules. By calculating their reactions we learned more about the science of molecules. -
First Simple Compound of Xenon
Argonne chemists combined xenon and fluoride. Xenon was once thought to be chemically inactive, but since Argonne chemists created the first xenon compound it is widely used in compounds. -
Argonne Night
Albert Crewe delivered the first state-of-the-laboratory speech to employees at the Chicago Arie crown theater. -
Radioactive Moon
In 1974 Argonne researchers were first to find radioactive elements on the moon. -
Cleaning Up Cesium
Argonne found a way to clean up Cesium. -
Making Isotopes
Argonne National Laboratory developed a chemical process to produce Tc-99m without a nuclear reactor.