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Arantxa Villa Spain Timeline

  • Jan 1, 711

    Muslims take Control

    Muslims take Control
    The Muslims from North Africa take control of Spain. While, they are in rule, Spian is greatly influenced in the art and the architecture. The named named therir newland al-Andalus.
  • Jan 1, 1208

    Spain founded the first University

    Spain founded the first University
    The first university was founded by King Alfonso IX. The university is named Salamanca and is the oldest institution of higher learning level in Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Ferdinand ll and Isabella Marry

    Ferdinand ll and Isabella Marry
    Ferdinand ll and Isabella marry. One of the most important couples in history. Their biggest achievment is expanding their power overseas
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Colombus Arrives

    Christopher Colombus Arrives
    Christopher Colombus arrives in the New World. He is credited for finding America. Roman Catholicism is established as Spain's state religion. Within 10 years, most Jews and Muslims are forced to leave from Spain
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Instead of having a war against portugal to see who would get South America, Spain and Portugal had the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement made by the pope where he declared that Spain would get one half of South America and Portugal would get the other half. That would explain the language of Brazil and all of the other countries.
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was an attemp to invade and take over England. The queen and king of Spain spent a lot of money on great, big ships to invade. England was ready for anything that came at them. Once on sea, a horrible storm cam over and washed out all the ships killing everyone on board.
  • Don Quixote

    Don Quixote
    Don Quixote is a novel written by Miguel de Servantees de Saavadera. The series is a story about the great adventures of Don Quixote and his parter and friend Sancho Panza.
  • Spain gets Indepencdance from Napoleon

    Spain gets Indepencdance from Napoleon
    Spain has a war against Napoleon, also known as the Peninsular War of independance. The war happens after Napoleon tries to invade Spain. During the war, Spain joined forces with Britain and Portugal and fought off Napoleon's invasion.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    United States declares war to Spain after the battleship "Maine" sinks on February 15 1898. The war ended after the "treaty of Paris" was signed. As a result Spain lost its empire overseas. They lost Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines Island, Guam, and more.
  • Franciso Franco comes into Rule

    Franciso Franco comes into Rule
    Francisco Franco becomes dictator of Spain. There was economic growth during the time. Frano is a very rude and mean person. He had complete "military rule." This menas he could tell the military to go execute anybody he wanted. He later died in 1975
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Franco's troops called the "nationalist" invade Spain with the purpous of overthrowing Spain. The working class didn't like how they were trying to invade so they responded by making a revolution. The war ended and the nationalist win.
  • The Olympics

    The Olympics
    The Olympics are hosted in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona was originally going to host the Winter Olympics but finally decided on the Summer Olympics.
  • New Currency

    New Currency
    Spain gets a new currency. They stopped using the Peseta and along with 12 other contries, Spain swithched to the Euro.
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    A plane crashed at the Madrid-Bajaramas Airport. The plane had not taken off yet, it was still on the runway when the left engine caught on fire. The flight was headed to the Canary Islands. About 70 ambulancces came to help. 172 people were on the plane and 19 survived.
  • Terrorist Attack

    Terrorist Attack
    The airport of Madrid has a bombing, a van bomb exploded in a terminal parking area Madrid-Barajas Airport. Two people died and 52 people were injured in the terrorist bombing.