Arab Spring Starts in Libya
Security forces open fire on protesters. The protesters were against Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi’s regime. This started the first civil war in the Arab Spring movement. Image: http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/55473000/jpg/_55473954_libya_ntc.jpg -
No Fly Zone Established
The NATO and UN establish a no fly zone over Libya due to the violent protests and civil unrest. Image: http://coretcoretkuliah.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/mil-110319-dod01-02.jpg -
NATO Forces help the rebels
UN and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization support the rebel forces against the military regime. Image: http://previous.presstv.ir/photo/20110423/pirhayati20110423233545467.jpg -
Period: to
Civil War
The war takes place after the NATO forces help Libya's rebels. The main fight goes untill August, when the rebels take Tripoli, the capital. -
Warrants for Gaddafi and his Sons are Issued
The ICC place a warrant on Gaddafi due to his violent reactions to protests in April. Image: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/06/28/article-2008674-0CC437E800000578-999_468x857.jpg -
Rebels enter Tripoli
The government and the NATO forces fear of a masacure and the NATO forces try to make the event peaceful while Gaddafi calls upon the Libyans to fight back. Image: http://s3.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20110820&t=2&i=483135982&w=&fh=&fw=&ll=700&pl=378&r=2011-08-20T205941Z_01_BTRE77J1K2H00_RTROPTP_0_LIBYA-PETROL -
Rebels take Tripoli
The city is taken quickly after only two days of fighting: the 21 and 22. The battle had minimal fighting. Image: http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20110821&t=2&i=483668631&w=&fh=&fw=&ll=700&pl=378&r=2011-08-21T204037Z_01_BTRE77K1LFS00_RTROPTP_0_LIBYA -
Gaddafi's Sons Captured
Gaddafi's two sons are arrested by the rebels after the fighting. The youngest, Saif Al-Islam, is captured while the Elder brother, Mohammed Al-Gaddafi, surrendered to the rebel forces. Image: https://laaska.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/gaddafi_s-son-saif-al-islam-captured-in-southern-libya-e28093-ntc.jpg?w=595 -
Gaddafi Killed
Gaddafi was found in a drainage pipe at 12. The rebels had been searching for Gaddafi since 8 in the morning. They then killed him. Image: http://www.business-standard.com/newsimgfiles/image/gaddafi.jpg -
National Transitional Council declares Libya liberated
The NTC delared that Libya was a democratic nation. Image: http://isnblog.ethz.ch/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/NTC_480.jpg -
General National Congress
The NTC hands power over to the elected parliment: The GNC. Image: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2014-02/07/133098320_13917819180621n.jpg