Arab Isreal Conflict

  • THe Balfour Declaration

    THe Balfour Declaration
    Unworkable because the two sides could not live together. Therefore, Britians called for partion of coutry. Meanwhile, Nazi Germany's persecution of Jews spurred immigration to Palestine.
  • Isreal Becomes A State

    Isreal Becomes A State
    on that date David Ben Gurion lont time leader of the Jews residing in Palestine announced the creation of an inpendent Isreal
  • The 1956 Suez Crisis

    The 1956 Suez Crisis
    In 1956, angered by the loss os the U.S. and British financial supposrt for the building of the Aswan Dam, Nasser sent his troops to take the canal. This left Egypt in charge of the canal and thus ended the Suez Crisis
  • The 1967 Six - Day War

    The 1967 Six - Day War
    By early 1967, Nasser and his Arab allies, equipped with Soviet tanks and aircraft, felt ready to confron Ireal.
  • The 1973 War

    The 1973 War
    A fourth Arab-IIsreali conflict erupted in October 1973. Nasser;s successor, Egyptian president Anwar Sadat, planned a joint Arab attrack on the date of Yom Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays.
  • Trading Land For Peace

    Trading Land For Peace
    The first Arab-Israeli talks occurred in November 1977 between Egypt and Israel. The following year, President Jimmy Carter held the first Camp David talks between these two states, which led to the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. Aside from creating agreements on trade, tourism, and diplomatic relations, the treaty provided for the incremental return of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in exchange for Israeli use of the Suez Canal.