
Arab-Israeli Conflicts

  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Egypt demanded that the United Nation remove their troops for Egypt. Israel ended up gaining conrtol of the West Bank.
  • YomKippur War

    YomKippur War
    Egypt want to take back their territorry and they went to war for it. An oil embargo wasr declared and oil prices around the world rose dramatically.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    This was an event to try and bring peace between Israel and Egypt. Egypt recognized Israel and returned sinai Peninsula to Israel.
  • Intifalda

    Resentment for Israel finally boiled over in the West Bank and Gaza. The Hamas launched suicide bombers.
  • Second Intifalda

    Second Intifalda
    The relationship between the Palestinian and Israels leaders had soured. Hamas won control of the Palestines.