Arab-Israeli Conflict Timeline

By SimonT
  • Six-Day War

    Six-Day War
    Israel took control of Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. All this was the result of Israel launching airstrikes against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    This was a surprise attack on Israel. The war was soon ended due to the United States rushing to the aid of Israel to fight in the war.
  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    Drastic changes were being made and people were not happy with it. The changes involved anti-westernization and it became an Islamic republic.
  • The First Intifada

    The First Intifada
    During the Intifada, riots and violence spread throughout in Palestine. Israel send in its army and police force and it was all ended through negotiations.
  • The Iraq War

    The Iraq War
    This all started due to the suspicion that Saddam Hussein was hiding secret nuclear weapons. The US decided to invade Iraq and a war started.