Arab-Israeli War

  • Israel's War of Independence

    The attacks began in Dayr Yasin in April of 1948 by the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang who were right winged and zionist extremists. Arab troops retaliated on Hadassah Hospital killing nearly 80 people.
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    Suez crisis

    Egypt's President had nationalized the canal which controlled 2 thirds of the oil reserves in Europe. Israel called on British and French support but ultimately Egypt won the battle.
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    Six-Day War

    Israel expected an Arab attack from Syrian air forces previously targeting Golan Heights and launched air strikes toward Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Ground troops soon followed and Israel had taken control of the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. A counter-attack from Syria and Egypt was brewing.
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    Yom Kippur War

    The Egyptian and Syrian forces made there way to Israel and the Egyptians had passed the canal. Syrian troops were driven out by Israeli forces and another strike was made deep into Syria. Egypt and Syria eventually declared a cease-fire with Israel.
  • The Camp David Accords

    The US president Jimmy Carter invited Anwar Sadat president of Egypt, and Menachem Begin the Israeli prime-minister to Camp David, Maryland in August of 1978. The Treaties signing concluded on March 26, 1979.