1948 War
Brief Description:
lsrael declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, & lraq attacked lsrael. Outcome:
lsrael gained land, Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees. -
Six Day War or The 1967 War
Brief Description:
Egypt blockaded lsrael. Egypt, Jordan, Syria & lraq moved troops to lsrael's borders and made threatening statements. lsrael launched a preemptive strike. Outcome: -
Attrition Battles
Brief Description:
Israel said that the country would return the territories they gained from the Six Day War if the Arab countries for peace and recognition as a country. However,The Arab countries refused to recognize Israel as a country. Outcome:
Egypt began small-scale attacks against Israel.the PLO attacked lsraeli military and civilians,hijacked airplanes and conducted terrorist attacks outside of Israel. from bases in Jordán, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. -
Settlement Construction Begins
Brief Description:
Settlements are the Israeli communities built in Sinai,Gaza,and the West Bank which are the lands that were captured in the 1967 war. Outcome:
There are 300,000 West bank settlers today compared to the 3,200 in 1976. These settlements make it harder for peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel. People criticize the settlements because they believe the land is needed for the future Palestine State. -
The October War Or Yom Kippur War
Brief Description:
It was the war that occurred on Yom Kippur, a Jewish Holiday, when Egypt and Syria attacked. Eventually Israelis pushed the Arab forces backed after they had a few military successes. Outcome: Israel realized that the without the territories they gained from 1967 war they would have been occupied. Israel returned the lands they gained from the 1973 war but kept the territories from the 1967 war. -
Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
Brief Description:
Egypt was the first country to recognize Israel as country.Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat signed a peace treaty with Israel because the Egyptian economy and its people were suffering. Outcome:
Egypt got back all of the Sinai land that Israel captured in 1967. This became a model for Israel’s “Land for peace”policy. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
Brief Description:
It was started in when Palestine Liberation organization troops attacked northern Israel from southern Lebanon.Israeli troops counterattacked and moved into Beirut forcing the PLO leadership into Tunisia from Lebanon. Outcome:
Israel got domestic and international opposition when it got involved in the Lebanese civil war.Israel returned all the land in 1985 but maintained a military in southern Lebanon until 2000 to protect Israel from terrorists. -
The First Intifada
Brief Description:
It was an uprising that was started by Palestinians in the west Bank and the Gaza strip. They revolted through using weapons supplied by PLO. Outcome:
Conflict continued until the Oslo accords were signed. Israel was not well prepared to respond to these attacks and many palestinians died. Some people thought the Israeli army was to harsh while some thought it was to lenient. -
The Oslo Accords
Brief Description:
After the signing of the Declaration of Principles the Oslo accords took form, which were agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. Outcome:
Both Israel and the PLO formally recognized each other. Israel recognized that the PLO represented the Palestinians while the PLO recognised Israel. PLO publicly accepted a peaceful coexistence with Israel. -
lsrael and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty
Brief Description:
It was peace treaty between Jordan and Israel which was done with help of a diplomatic process by the United States. Outcome:
After Jordan recognised Israel trade, business relations, tourism, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation gradually increased. -
The Camp David Summit
Brief Description:
President Bill Clinton tried to bring peace between Israel and Palestine by bringing lsraeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat
to Camp David. Outcome:
Peace could not be negotiated as Arafat did agree even after Barrack made major concessions and Arafat did not offer a counter proposal. -
The Second Intifada
Brief Description:
Israeli General visited Temple Mount which cause riot there as many Palestinians thought the General’s visit was provocative. Israelis thought that the general’s visit was used as an excuse for violence and that it did not cause it. Outcome:
The conflict caused a lot of blood shed and suffering. Israel was attacked by suicide bombers and Israel's military carried operations to stop the terrorism. The operations resulted in the killing of many Palestinians. -
Arab Peace Initiative ls Proposed
Brief Description:
Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed a plan for peace with Israel in the Beirut Summit of the Arab League. Outcome:
Proposal was welcomed by Isreal but did not accept all the demands because they did not want to go back to their pre 1976 war borders. In 2007, Arab leaders sent official delegates to Israel for the first time. -
lsrael Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Brief Description:
It is a barrier that separates Israeli citizens from terrorists on the West Bank just like the security fence that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel. Outcome:
Criticized because people believe it separates palestinians from their land,places work and study. Causing these people to go through security checkpoints.Other people argue that the barrier can be removed after true peace is achieved. -
The Roadmap for Peace Proposed
Brief Description:
It was a plan for peace created by the United States, Russia, European Union, and the United Nations. The plan has three phases. Outcome:
The plan never went past the first phase and was halted after the Palestinian election of Hamas. After President Mahmoud Abbas disbanded the Hamas controlled government Israel and Palestine talked about the Roadmap in Annapolis Conference. However there was no progress ever since with the Roadmap. -
Disengagement From Gaza
Brief Description:
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon went with the policy of “Disengagement” or the separating from the occupied palestinian territories. He decided to separate from the Gaza Strip while building the barrier. The Israelis living in the Gaza didn’t want to leave but they didn’t get much support from the Israelis in Israel and the West Bank.
Outcome: Palestinians were able to govern themselves after Isreal removed itself from the territory. Rockets launched by terrorists from Gaza. -
Hamas is Elected
Brief Description:
Palestinians elected many Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority's legislature because many Palestinians saw the previous government as corrupt. Outcome:
The Hamas did not accept Palestine-Israel agreements. Western nations suspended aid to the Palestinian government but said they would help the government if the Hamas recognized lsrael's right to exist, gave up violence, and accepted previous Palestinian-lsraeli agreements. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Brief Description:
Hezbollah, an Islamist group based in Lebanon & dedicated to destroy Isreal, attacked an Israeli army unit after crossing the Lebanon-Israeli border. Also began launching rockets into cities and towns in Israel. Israel launched air strikes on Hezbollah military targets to protect itself. Outcome:
Caused the loss of many civilians and property damage.Israel destroyed Lebanon's transportation infrastructure to stop Hezbollah. Ended when the UN Ceasefire Resolution was passed. -
The Battle of Gaza
Brief Description:
Hamas militants attacked PLO Fatah members in Gaza in 2007 after they won the election the previous year. Outcome:
Hamas government was dissolved by the Palestinian Authority president, . THe Hamas governs Gaza while the Palestinian authority governs the West Bank. the sanctions on the West Bank removed when the Hamas government was removed from power. -
The Gaza War
Brief Description:
Isreal attacked Hamas targets. It was an attempt to stop rocket attacks and disrupt terrorists infrastructure and smuggling. Outcome:
Many militants and civilians were killed. Since the Hamas was based in urban areas Gaza’s buildings and economy got damaged. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
Brief Description:
Israel and Egypt formed a blockade to inspect goods going into Gaza. Six ships tried to break the blockade. In response, Israeli commandos boarded the ships to direct them to Ashdod an Israeli port. However, on one ship they were attacked which resulted in the killing of 9 Turkish activists. Outcome:
Israel expressed regret for the death of the Turkish activists instead of the apology that Turkey demanded. The two allied countries relationship declined after the conflict. -
The Arab Spring
Brief Description:
It was a movement for a democratic government in Arab States that started in Tunisia in 2010. The movement spread to the rest of the Arab 2011. People protested against the autocratic and oppressive governments. Outcome:The Tunisian President left the country and the Egyptian President resigned.The protests spread to Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Yemen and other countries.