Arab-Israeli conflict

By efuah
  • 1948 war

    1948 war
    Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq attacked Israel. Israel gained land, egypt claimes the Gaza strip and the West Bamk and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestians and Jews became refugees
  • SIx Day war or the 1967 war

    SIx Day war or the 1967 war
    Egypt blockade Israel. EGypt, Jordan, Syria troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. Israel captures the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, Golan Heights from Syria and the Gaza strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from EGypt. More Palestians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common.
  • Attrition battles

    Attrition battles
    Israel maintained that Jerusalem would remain a unified city. Arab nations declared their willingness to negotiate with Israel. PLo attacked the Israelis. PLO tried to overthrow the king of Jordan. Egypt began small scale attacks against Israelu positions unti Anwar Sadat came to power in 1970. Jordanian army attacked Plo to what became known as the 'Black September". The fighting ended in June of 1971. Plo moved to Lebanon
  • Settlement Construction begins

    Settlement Construction begins
    Israeli government approved settlement in some areas. The settlements were intended to be security outposts. In 1976, the West Bankers increased from 3,000 to 300,000. It has made travel for the Palestinians more difficult. They are built on land needed for a future Palestinian state. It is a drain on the Israeli military
  • The October war

    The October war
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. The Israelis manaed to push the attack. The U.S. convinced Israel to withdraw from the territories. The war reinforced the importance of the buffer zone. Israel retained the territories it captured but not additional land after the war ended
  • Egypt and Israel sign a peace treaty

    Egypt and Israel sign a peace treaty
    Egypt became the first Arab country to recognize Israek and to enter peace treaty wih it. Coninual war harming the Egyptian economy. Israel returned to Egypt all of the Sinai and removed Jewish families from the homes they had established there. This agreement became a model for Israel's 'land for peace policy'.
  • The 1982 Lebanon war

    The 1982 Lebanon war
    PLO in the south attacked northern Israel,Israel launched an attack on PLO militants stationed at Lebanon. Israel leadership expelled PLO leadership from Lebanon to Tunisia. Brought about a conflict known as the first lebanon war. Domestic and international opposition of the involvement of Israel in Lebanon. Israel maintained military presence in the south of Lebanon to prevent widespread terriorist incursions until 2000, Renewed terririst attacks led to second lebanon war in 2006.
  • The First Intifada

    The First Intifada
    Palestinians in the Gaza strip and the West Bank engaged in an uprising against Israel control of these territories. Israel was not well prepared to respond to these kinds of attacks. Continual attacks led some to feel that the response was too lax. An equal number of Palestinians were killed in Palestinians in-fighting.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    Were a set of agreements that began in 1993 when Israel and the PLO signed a Declaration of Principles. Led to the creation of the Palestinian authority. It left Israel the right to defend itself and its citizens. Israel and the PLO exchanged letters of mutual recognition
  • Israel and Jordan sign a Peace treaty

    Israel and Jordan sign a Peace treaty
    A peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Jordan became the second Arab country to recognize Israel. Trade, business, relations etc increased between the two nations since the agreement was signed
  • The Camp David Summit

    The Camp David Summit
    It was the first major attemot to negotiate or comprehensive final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The goal was not achieved; for the two nations living side by side in peace but rather further conflict ensued
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    When Israeli General Ariel Sharon visited the Jewish Temple Mount which was most important to the Jews and the Muslims. Israel and the Palestinians viewed this in different ways. Caused great bloodshed and suffering on both sides
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
    Crown Prince Abdullah proposed a peace initiative that was endorsed by all members of the Arab league. Viewed as a major breakthrough because previously most Arab nations had ruled out peace recognition and even negotiation with Israel. The Israelists rejected the demand that it is to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders as a precondition to the negotiations
  • Israel begins constructing the West Bank Barrier

    Israel begins constructing the West Bank Barrier
    Was a way to separate its citizens from the terriorist groups in the West Bank. Drastically reducing the number of suicide bombings. Has been enticized for dividing some Palestinians from their work places or place of study.
  • The Roadmap for peace is proposed

    The Roadmap for peace is proposed
    Is a plan for peace that was proposed in 2003 by the 'Quartet' the United States, Russia, European Union and the United Nations. Progress on the Roadmap was compltetely halted with the Palestinian election of Hamas in 2006. Became possible again with the Palestinian President Abbas. November 27,2007 the priciples of the Roadmap were reaffirmed
  • Israel disengages from Gaza

    Israel disengages from Gaza
    When the Prime minister Sharon moved ahead with the policy of 'Disengagement' that is, the separation of Israel from Palestinian territories. Israel citizens did not want to leave. Since the withdrawal from the Gaza, the number of rockets fired by terriorists from Gaza to Israel has increased
  • Hamas is elected

    Hamas is elected
    Many Palestinians saw the previous government as corrupt. Destruction of Israel and killing of Jews, rejection of the Palestinian-Israeli agreements. Responsible for many terriorist attacks, many western nations imposed sanctions and suspended aid to Palestinian authority
  • The 2006 Lebanon war

    The 2006 Lebanon war
    Commitment to destroying Israel. Loss of civilian lives as well as property damage when Israel retaliated. Israel damaged Lebanon's transportation infrastructure
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    Conflict between Hamas and the PLO FAtah since the winning of Hamas. Attacking by Hamas militants with the Fatah members caused the Palestinian Authority president to dissolve Hamas government, Hamas controls the Gazi, Palestinian Authority controls the West Bank
  • The Gaza War

    The Gaza War
    Israel attacks Hamas targets in Gaza to stop rocket attacks on Southern Israel and disrupt terriorist infrastructure and weapons smuggling. Hundreds of militants were killed. Much civilian casualties and Gaza's buildings and economy were heavily damaged
  • GAza Flotilla Incident

    GAza Flotilla Incident
    Israel and Egypt began a blockade of Gaza. 6 ships set sail to break the blockade. The ships refused to go to Ashdod fro the goods to be inspected. 9 Turkish activists were killed. Led to severe deteriotation in the realtionship between Israel and Turkey
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Arab states began to protest against autocratic and oppressive governments. Protests spread across the Arab world. Tunisian president left the country (January 14, 2011), Egyptian president resigned (February 11, 2014)