
Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • Conflict

    The British then withdraw from Palestine. The Jewish National Council then proclaims the State of Israel.
  • War

    Lasted between june 5th through june 10th. Egypt demanded the UN to remove its troops, Israel decided to strike first.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    War lasted from October 6, 1973 – October 26, 1973. Egypt was determined to win their territory back, it was a supprise attack against Israel.
  • Peace Agreement

    Peace Agreement
    Egypt wanted peace with Israel, Anwar Sadat made that declaration. Jimmy Carter invited Sadat and Israeli prime minister to camp david. There in 1978 they reached an agreement known as the Camp David Accords.
  • The End

    It all comes to an end when the leader Ehud Barak is elected prime minister. He announces that he plans to pursue peace with the Palestinian.