First Zionist Congress
Theodor Herzl,announced Zionism's goal of establishing a legally assured home for the Jewish people in Palestine. -
McMahon-Hussein Correspondence
Sharif Hussein was the ruler of the Muslim holy city of Mecca. -
Balfour Declaration.
Bristhish promised to created a Jewish homeland in the region comprising the ancient Land of Israel. -
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British Mandate for Palestine
The League of Nations divided Ottoman lands between the Bristish and the French after World War I. -
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The Holocaust and World War II
Nazy Germany attacked and conquered most of Europe. -
UN Partition Plan.
The Un General Assembly voted to partition the Palestine Mandate into an Arab state and a Jewish state and to internationalize the city of Jerusalem. -
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1948 War
This was the first Arab-Israeli war and is know in Israel as the War of Independence and by the Palestinian Arabs as the Catastrophe. -
Establishment of the PLO
The Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO) was formed with the aim of destroying Israel and Creating a Palestine state in its place. -
Settlement Construction Begins.
The Israeli government approved the building of settlements in the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, and West Bank. -
Six-Day War/1967 Arab-Israeli
In the days before the war, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq moved their armies to Israel's borders. -
Period: to
Khartoum Resolution/Attrition Battles/The War of Attrition.
Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. -
October War/Yom Kippur War/1973 Arab-Israeli War
Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. -
Camp David Accords.
Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt signed agreements in Camp David. -
Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.
As a result of intense diplomatic efforts by the United State. -
1982 Lebanon War/First Lebanon War.
PLO units in southern Lebano increasingly attacked communities in northern Israel. -
Period: to
First Intifada.
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank engaged in an uprising, or infitada, against israeli control of these territories. -
Oslo Accords.
The Oslo Accords led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority. -
Israeli-Jordan Peace Treaty.
Trade, business relations, tourism, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation between the two nations. -
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Camp David Summit
American President Bill Clinton brought Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat to Camp David in July 200. -
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Second Intifada.
There is no definitive event marking the end of the Second Intifada.Many people suggest late 2004 or early 2005. -
Arab Peace Initiative ls Proposed.
Beirut Summit of the Arab League. -
Israel Begins Construction West Bank Security Barrier.
Israel responded to the suicide bonbings by constructing a security barrier to protect its citizens from terrorist groups in the West Bank. -
Roadmap for Peace is Proposed.
Ia a plan for peace that was proposed in 2003 by the "Quarter":the United State, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza.
The Gaza disengagement was very controversial domestically. -
Hamas is Elected.
Palestinians elected a mojority of Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority's lesgislatures over the PLO's Fatah party that had previously been in power. -
2006 Hezbollah-Israel Lebanon War/Second Lebanon War.
Hezbollah, a radical Islamist organization commited to destroying Israel. -
Battle of Gaza
Ongoing tensions between Hamas and the PLO's Fatah party culminated in june 2007. -
Annapolis Conference.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice organized a conference between Israel and Palestinian Authority's Fatah leader. -
Period: to
The Gaza Conflict Operation Cast Lead.
Israel targeted Hamas strongholds in Gaza to stop ongoing rocket attacks on civilian towns in southern Israel and to distrupt the terrorist infrastructure and weapons smuggling. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident.
Egypt and Israel bean a blockade to prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons and missiles into Gaza. -
Prisoner Exchange for Gilad Shalit
In 2006 Hamas militans kidnapped Israeli Army soldier Gilad Shalit in a cross-border raid into Israel from Gaza via underground tunnels.