Arab-Israeli Conflict

By AmAf
  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    Israel declars itself a nation. neighboring nations of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq invade the newly formed nation. Isaeli forces capture more land, Egypt gains the Gaza Strip, and Jordan takes control of the West Bank and Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced.
  • Settlement Construction Begins.

    Settlement Construction Begins.
    After the Six Day War, Israel began building sittlements on the Gaza Strip and West Bank, claiming that it is meant to be a front line of defense against those who want to destroy Israel. The building of these caused for 300,000 citizens to move into the West Bank settlements alone. The image shows a sheppard overlooking one such settlement. Ravid, Barak. "European Members of Security Council Condemn Israeli Settlements, Settler Violence." Haaretz. N.p., 11 Dec. 2011. Web. 04 May 2015.
  • Start of the Six Day War/1967 War

    Start of the Six Day War/1967 War
    Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq moves troops into Israel and threatened them. Israel attacked first. This lead to Israel Capturing the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, The Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsual. Both Palestinians and Jews became refugees, and terrorism began to increase. The war ended June 10th. The image shows troops attacking a city in the battle.
    Six-Day War. 1967. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Web. 01 May 2015.
  • Atrition Battles

    Atrition Battles
    Israel and some of its Arab neighbors met at a peace confence in Sudan. The Arab nations stated at this meeting that they would never accept Irael as a nation. This caused Egypt to launch small attacks on Iraeli military targets. Also, the PLO attempts a coup in Lebanon which results in a full military retaliation by the Lebanise army.
  • The Yom Kippur War

    The Yom Kippur War
    Egypt and Syria attack Irael on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calander. The Israeli military was able to hold of the attackers. The United States pressures Israel to return the territories captured in the 1967 war but Israel continues to keep them.
  • Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Treaty

    Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Treaty
    Jimmy Carter invites the leaders of both Egypt and Israel to the White House to talk about negotiating peace between the two countries, as shown in this image. The two eventually did come to an agreement. Because of this, Egypt began to acknoledge Israel as its own country and recived the land Israel took from it. Israel lost many locations it used as a vanguard for defense, such as the Sinai Peninsula, as well as recalling 7000 citizens from the settlements within the country.
  • 1982 Lebanon War

    1982 Lebanon War
    The PLO invades Northern Israel from Lebanon. This causes Irael to invade Lebanon and dirve the PLO from the nation and also get involved in the Lebanise civil war. The defeted PLO flees to Tunisia in Northern Africa.
  • The First Intidada

    The First Intidada
    The PLO began to ecourage citiszens to rebel against the oppresive Israeli people. These protest started out mostly peaceful, with citizens confronting soilders, as shown in the image, refusal to pay taxes, and consumer boycots. The most violent behavior was throwing stones. After over 22 thousand children needing medical treatment from soilder attack, much more violent forms of protest arose. Notably, suicide bombing became much more prevelent. This lasted until 1993.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    It was a set of agreements which were signed by the PLO and Israel. In the agreement the PLO and Israel ended hostilities between eachother. Also, they began to recognize eachother and Israel would need to gradualy reduce their occupying forces in conquered territories.
  • Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty
    Similarly to Egypt, the United States invited the king of Jordan and the prime minister of Israel together to discuss terms of peace. The image shows that this was sucsessful. Because of the peace, trade, tourism, buisness, science, and cultural diffusion increases in the area, but slower than anticipated.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    President Bill Clinton of the United States held a meeting with the Israeli Primeminister and the Palestinian president. During the talks the Israelis proposed a withdraw of troops from Palestinian teritories and Jeruselem but the Palestinian representitives refused the offer. In the end nothin was accomplished and more violence continued.
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    On September 20, a Israeli general went to a temple on Palestinian lines, which was a location important to both the Jewish and Muslim populations. When news of this reach Palestine, many saw this as an attempt to be a suprise attack, and many people began to revolt. Suicide bombings became very prevelent, with the aftermath of one being seen in the picture. Israeli forces retaliated by attacking both terrorist and civilians. It is though that this event has never ended, and is still going on.
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed Cont.

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed Cont.
    rejected the terms they had to comply with. Notably, Israel refused to return the land it took back to Palestine. This treaty was once again brought up durring the 2007 summit.
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
    Durring the 2002 summit, crown prince, and present day king of Saudi-Arabia Abdullah proposed a method to peace, stating that if Israel were to return the land it has taken, acknoledge Palestine as a seperate state, and withdraw troop from Palestinian areas, the Arab nations would consider the conflict as over, and would sign a peace treaty with Israel. This is seen as a huge milestone at the time, as previously, Arab countries refued to even negotiate with Israel. Israel welcomed the idea, but
  • Israeli Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier

    Israeli Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
    To protect Israeli citizens from acts of terror the Israeli government begins to construct a large wall to isolate the West Bank and all of the hostile forces residing in the territory. This wall has caused life for many Palestinians to be disrupted beccause it separates people from work and school. The barrier is effective at preventing attacks.
  • The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed

    The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
    This plan for peace was made by the "Quartet" to form an independent Palestine and an Israel that was safe. Unfortuetly the plan never passed stage one because Hamas came to power. President Mahmoud Abbas ended the Hamas government and began to follow the plan after the Anapolis confrence.
  • Israel Disengages from Gaza

    Israel Disengages from Gaza
    Despite the controversy of the choice, the Israeli government decided to empty the settlements of the Palestinian territories. However, not all of the settlements were emptied. In adittion, the movement was critisized for not informing Palestine of the event. Afterwards, Palestine was able to govern itself. It was noted that more missile strikes had occured ever since this event. The image is a political cartoon showing only some of the settlements being brought back, as some stayed.
  • Hamas is Elected

    Hamas is Elected
    In Palestine Hamas is elected into power due to a lack of faith in the old party who was in control. Hamas's radical belifes cause many nations to place sanctions on Palestine.
  • The 2006 Lebanon War

    The 2006 Lebanon War
    Hezbolla, a radical Islamic group focused on the destruction of Israel strikes. These attacks are preformed on foot and with rockets, as shown in the image. Israel responded by sending troops into Lebanon, killing civilians and destroying their homes, as the Lebanon army was stationed inside the houses of the people. The war ended with a cease fire on August 14th of the saame year.
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    Hamas begins assults on the Palestinian Fatah. Heavy fighting breaks out and the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas dissolves the Hamas Government. Now the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are divided but sanctions were lifted off the Palestinian Authority.
  • The Gaza War

    The Gaza War
    Israel attacks Hamas in Gaza in a attempt to stop terrorist activities, as well as the smuggling of weapons and missile launches. However, due to Hamas being stationed in an urban area, MANY innocent civilians were harmed in the crossfire, as the picture demonstrates. The war ended on January 19th, 2009.
  • Gaza Flotilla Incident

    Gaza Flotilla Incident
    Israel and Egypt Blockade the Gaza Strip to prevent weapons from entering the territory. When six ships refused to dock at an Israeli port for inspection Israeli comandos boarded the vessels. On on of the ships the soldiers were attaked. In the skirmish nine Turkish crewmembers died. Israel refuses to appolagize to the Turkish Government and has spoiled relations.
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    Beginning in Tunisia, citizens of various Middle Eastern countries begin to protest for democracy, shown in the image. Many countries are now protesting for democracy, and the president of both Tunisia and Egypt have resigned. Currently, it is unknown how this revolution will affect Israel and Palestine.