
Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • War in 1967

    War in 1967
    in the year 1967 egypt wanted the UN remove its troops from gaza and sinai penisula.israeli was expecting a attack from arab. He made the first move.
  • War in 1973

    War in 1973
    in 1973 israel got a surprise attack from egypt and syria. the was was called "the jewish holy day".evetually isreal had lost he was not perpared for it.
  • Palestinian unrest

    Palestinian unrest
    Egypt and israeli had made peace. when palestinian still had a struggle. two states were suppose to be made a jewish state and a arab state.
  • Peace Agreement

    Peace Agreement
    In 1977 egypt made a decleration that wanted peace with israeli. it took them up to 30 years for that peace to happend.
  • israeli helped palestinian

    israeli helped palestinian
    In 1987 Palestintian needed israeli help. israeli sending out to battle some of his troops that were street violence. He sure did have a strong military and police resistance but the fight still continued until the early 1990s