1948 War
Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel. Israel gained land. Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees. -
Six Day War
Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became Refugees. Terrorism became more common. -
Settlement Construction Begins
Built Israeli communities in Sinai, Gaza, and West Bank. Made travel for Palestinians harder. -
Attrition Battles
Egypt began small scale attacks against Israeli positions. PLO attacked Israeli military personnel and civilians. Attacked back making Black September. Israel gained land from Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The PLO moved their base of operations to Lebanon. -
The October War
Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. Israel managed to push it back. U.S. convinced Israel to withdraw from territories it entered. -
Egypt and Israel sign a peace Agreement.
Egypt recognized Israel. And tried to sign a peace agreement with them. It become a model for Israels "land of peace" policy. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
PLO attacked Southern Lebanon communities. Renewed terrorist attacks from Southern Lebanon -
The First Intifada
PLO supplied weapons to Palestinians causing a uprising. This event led to the Oslo Accords. -
The Oslo Accords
Both Israel and PLO signed this agreement but stated that the other did not do their part. Led to creation of the Palestinian Authority. -
Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty
U.S. led a successful diplomatic process to help Jordan and Israel achieve peace. Trade, business relations, tourism, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation between Jordan and Israel. -
The Camp David Summit
Bill Clinton tried to get Israel and Palestinians to have peace. Talked with their leaders. Peace was not achieved and conflicts continued. -
The Second Intifada
A Israeli general visited a Jewish Temple this caused Palestinians to get mad causing a second uprising. Wide bloodshed between both sides. Ongoing. -
Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
King of Saudi Arabia proposed that Israel give back land it won in the 1967 war. Israel did not accept. First time Arab league sent an official delegation to israel -
Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
Built a wall to reduce suicide bombings. Some Palestinians divided from their land and places of work. Ongoing. -
The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
U.S., Russia, European union proposed a idea but did not present it. Right away as a terrorist organization was put in charge. No significant progress happened to the roadmap. -
Israel Disengages from Gaza
Israel decides to not have the Gaza Strip anymore. Terrorist shot rockets from Gaza now -
Hamas is Elected
Hamas members were elected (is a terrorist group) decided to complete devout to destroy Israel. Many Western nations imposed sanctions ans suspended aid to the PA. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
Hezbollah attacks Israel. Israel fights back. Lots of civilian death. Lebanon's transportation destroyed -
The Battle of Gaza
Hamas militants attacked Fatah members through out Gaza. Two Palestinians governments Hamas controls Gaza. PA controls West Bank. -
The Gaza War
Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza. Heavy civilian causalities and Gaza's buildings and economy were heavily damaged. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
5 ships rejected being checked at a blockade and fought back Israel's. Israel won. Severe deterioration between Israel and Turkey. -
The Arab Spring
Protest against autocratic and oppressive governments. Brought change to Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. Islamist parties got elected into political office.