
Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • Zionism

    Theodore Herzl the founder of Zionsim tried to find a political solution for the problem of his book. His book was named ' The Jewish State ' .
  • The Balfour Declaration

    The time was World Was 1 When the palestine was ruled by the empire Turkish Ottoman. On November 2,1917 the British Foreign Minister Arthur had committed Britain to work towards the establishment in palestine of a national home.
  • UN Partiton Plan.

    The UN was into separate Jewish and Palestinian states. They gave 56,47% of Palestinian to Jewish state and 43.53% to Arab state. An internation encalve around Jerusalem . On November 2933 countries voted for partition.
  • Establishment of Israel

    On may 14,1948 the state of Israel was proclaimed in Tel Aviv. The declaration came into effect the next day when the British troops withdrew.
  • The day after the state of Israel was declared

    Five arab armies from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Irag they invaded Israel but were repulsed and the Israel army established Israel's borders.
  • The Suez Campaign

    Israel, France and Britain went to war against Egypt because the nationalized the Suez cancal and closed it to Israel and western europe another reason was concern about egypt growing military purchases from Russians. And because rairds on israel by egyptain units.
  • Formation of the PLO

    Formation of the PLO
    The Palestinians created a genuniely independent organization when Yasser Arafat took over the chairmanship of the Palestine.Fatah fighter heavy casualties on Israli troops at Karameh in Jordan in 1968
  • The Six-Day war

    The Six-Day war
    Egypt clockaded Israel shipping lanes in the red sea. They expelle UN peacekeeping troops from the bored of the sinai and built up its own troops in the area. Syria ammassed large numbers of troops on the Golan Heights.
  • The Six-Day war

    The Six-Day war
    Israel got the Sinai and the Gaza strip from egypt , the Golan heights from Syria and the West Bank from Jordan including East Jerusalem . The war only lasted sixs days.
  • Terrorism

    The groups Yasser Arafat's leadership and other militant Palestinian groups launched a attack on Israeli and other targets.
  • The Munich Olympics

    The Munich Olympics
    The members of the Israeli Olympic were taken hostage and eventually they got killed by the Palestinian.
  • The Yom Kippur War,

    The Yom Kippur War,
    Yom kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year. When the Arab military successes, the Israelis managed to push back the attack althought severely outnumber. The U,S has covinced Israel to withdram from the territories it had taken.
  • Arafat at the United Nations

    Arafat at the United Nations
    Arafat made his first appearance at the United Nations in 1974 mooting a peaceful solution. He condemned the Zionist project, but concluded the speech was a watershed.
  • The Camp David Accords

    The Camp David Accords
    After intenisce negotiations conducted by the U.S Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Accords. Peace treaty was concluded and Israel returned the Sinai desert to the Egytpians.
  • Sadat Assassinated

    Sadat Assassinated
    Sadat was assassinated by lslamist elements in the Egyptian army, who opposed peace with Israel.
  • The Oslo Peace Process

    The PLO, wanted to make peace talks work because of the weakness of its position dues to the Gulf War in 1991. They wanted to recognize Israel in return fro thr beginning of phased dismanting of Israwl's occupation.
  • Palestinian Intifada

    Protect took the form of civil disobedience, general strikes, boycotts on Israeli products, graffiti, and barricades but it was the stone-throwing demonstrations against the heavily-around.
  • Jordan-Israeli Peace

    Prime Minister Mr.Rabin and Kind Hussien of Jordan signed a peace agreement ending i46 year of war and strained relation.
  • Rabin Assassinated

    Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist.
  • Arafat Returns

    The returning deployed in areas vasted by Israeli troops and Arafat became head of the new Palestinian National Authority.