1948 War
Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel.
Israel gained land. Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees. -
Settlement Construction Begins
End Date :This is still ongoing Description : Cease fire agreement following the 6 day war Outcome : Israel gained land (They aquired the Gaza Strip) -
Six Day War or The 1967 War
Egypt blockaded Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike.
Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common. -
Attrition Battles
End date: August 7, 1970
After "The Six Day War", the Sinai Peninsula was under Israeli control.
The Egyptian military attacked the territory determined to bring it back under Egyptian control. -
The October War (Yom Kippur)
End Date : October 26th, 1973 Description : A coordinated attack towards Israel by Egyptian and Syrian forces towards Israel to gain back land they had previously lost Outcome : Israel suceeded in defending its borders from the combined powers, with heavy loses on both sides. -
Egypt and Israel sign a peace agreement
Hosted by Jimmy Carter, Israel Prime Minister and Egyptian president "A.S.". They signed the peace treaty.
It was the first peace treaty to include Israel and the first time Israel stopped fighting. -
The 1982 Lebanon War
End Date : May 31st, 1985 Description : Started from the attepted Assasination of Israel's ambassador of Britian by the terrorist group called the "POL" Outcome : Helped free Lebanon from terrorist rule and secured a government built on democracy with a president put into power -
The First Intifada
End date: September 13, 1993 False charges of Israeli attrocities such as killing youths and poisoning water
Caused tensions between Palestine and Israel -
The Oslo Accords
End Date : Still ongoing Description : An official document signed by the terrorist group "POL" in which they renounced their terroristic ways and accepted Israel's right to exist Outcome : Helped bring peace between the two rivaling factions and peace to the entirety of the Middle East. -
Israel and Jordan sign a peace treaty
A peace treaty that gave back all Israel occupied land Jordan gave back land to Israel and lead to peace -
The Camp David Summit
End Date : July 25th, 2000 Description : An attempt to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, which did not suceed due to arguments between the two parties Outcome : Resolved nothing and created a divide between the two parties. Palestine resorted to using terrorism to get their message across -
The Second Intifada
End date: February 8, 2005 These are policies placed to limit Palestine rights Helped fuel terrorism against Palestinians and killed thousands -
Arab Peace Initiative is proposed
Israel rejects this due to the amount that they would have to pay The peace initiative was rejected by Israel so Palestine won't oveturn -
The Roadmap for peace is proposed
End Date : Never Suceeded Description : It was a plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestine conflict Outcome : The plan reached a deadlock and was never implimented, resulting in more fighting. -
Israel begins constructing the West Bank barrier
End date: end of 2006 A wall built of metal and barbed wire to stop palestinian suicide bombers from getting in. Helped protect the Israelis -
Israel disengages from Gaza
End Date : Ongoing Description : The withdrawl of the Israeli Army from Gaza and all settlements on the Gaza Strip Outcome : All Israeli citizens were evacuated from the area -
Hamas is Elected
Outcome : June 2014 Description : Hamas won the presidential election Outcome : Hamas offered a 10 year truce with Israel with the return of Palestine, Gaza strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. -
The 2006 Lebanon War
End Date : August 14, 2006 Description : It was a 34 day military conflict in Lebanon Outcome : The war started with Hezbollah launching rocket attacks on the Israeli military, killing a lot. -
The Battle of Gaza
Outcome : June 15, 2007 Description : It was a short military conflict between Fatah and Humas Outcome : Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip -
The Gaza War
Outcome : January 18, 2009 Description : it was a war that lasted 3 weeks 11 days. Outcome : Israels goal was to stop roket fire on Israel -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
End Date : Isolated incident Description : The Flotilla used Humanitarian and Construction to break own the Israeli Blockade Outcome : nine activists where killed in the raid -
The Arab Spring
End Date : December 2011 Description : The series of revolutions that occured in Middle East from people demanding Democracy. It was moderately successful Outcome : About 250,000 deaths and reformations of governments in several countries in the Middle East