Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Who- Jews and the British government. What- The British governmnet supportint the Establishment of a homeland for Jews. Where- Palestine How- By winning the support if Jewish Europeans Why- So the jews could have homeland.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    Who- Jewish Europeans and Nazis. What- The Nazis tried to kill off a whole population of Jews. When- During World War 2 Where- Europe. How- Work Camps, death camps, as chambers, starvation and shootings. Why- Hitler wanted to create the perfect arian race.
  • UN partition

    UN partition
    Who- Jews and Arabs. What- A plan to divide Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state, but the Arabs didn't want that because they thought all of the Palestine should be theirs. When- 1947 Where- Palestine. Why- So the Jews and Arabs wouldn't have to be together.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    who- isreal, jordon,egypt,syria. what- isreal gained land from the war. when- 1967. where- middle east. why- wanted more land for themselves. how- they fought for it.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Who- Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. What- Isreal took over Gloan Hights, East Jerusalem, West Bank, Gazo Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula. Why- to gain land. When- 1973
  • Camp David Peace Accords

    Camp David Peace Accords
    Who- Isreal, Stria, and Jordan. What- Signed Peace accords with Isreal. When- 1979. Why- To stop the violance
  • Invasion of Lebanon

    Invasion of Lebanon
    Who- Muslims, Christians, Isreal. What- Isreal incaded southern Lebanon to stop attacks on the border. Where- Lebanon. Why- To stop cross boarder attacks.
  • Intifada

    Who- Arabs and Israeli's. Where- Oalestine. Why- The PLO launched attacks against Israeli's