
AQWF Timeline project

  • Paul,Tjaden,Muller and Albert enlist

    Paul,Tjaden,Muller and Albert enlist
    Paul,Tjaden,Muller and Albert enlist to World War 1 "When we went to the district-commandant to enlist, we were a class of twenty young men, many of whom proudly shaved for the first time before going to the barracks."
  • Kemmerich dies

    Kemmerich dies
    Kemmerich had a bad leg injury and the doctors don't do a lot to help and he eventually dies of infection.
    "Müller is rather crude and tactless, otherwise he would hold his tongue, for anybody can see that Kemmerich will never come out of this place again."
  • Young recruits come to put up a fence

    Young recruits come to put up a fence
    Young reinforcements come to put a protective fence up against the advancing enemy Bristish and American troops. "einforcements have arrived. The vacancies have been filled and the sacks of straw in the huts are already booked. Some of them are old hands, but there are twenty-five men of a later draught from the base. They are about two years younger than us. Kropp nudges me: "Seen the infants?'"
  • Himmelstoss gets drunk

    Himmelstoss gets drunk
    He gives orders to the guys and then goes to the pub and gets drunk. The boys wait for him to get back and mug him and whip his butt with a switch. "Himmelstoss was thrown down, he rolled five yards and started to yell. But we were prepared for that and had brought a cushion."
  • They dream about after war

    They dream about after war
    They all sit in their bunk,eat,smoke and talk about their plans for after war. Some want a job others want girls. "Haie looks at him sadly and is silent. His thoughts still linger over the clear evenings in autumn, the Sundays in the heather, the village bells, the afternoons and evenings with the servant girls, the fried bacon and barley, the care-free hours in the ale-house-- He can't part with all these dreams so abruptly; he merely growls: "What silly questions you do ask.""
  • They get let off easy

    They get let off easy
    Himmelstoss reports theirs direspectfulness and the men are brought to a field judge. The judge notes Himmelstoss's petty cruelity and the men get let off easy "We watch him disappear in the direction of the Orderly Room. Haie and Tjaden burst into a regular peat-digger's bellow. Haie laughs so much that he dislocates his jaw, and suddenly stands there helpless with his mouth wide open. Albert has to put it back again by giving it a blow with his fist."
  • They get bombarded

    They get bombarded
    Trrop 9 finishes their wiring and are bombarded on the way back. Ironically they hide in a graveyard and toss corpses out of coffins to hide in them. "They surpassed us only in phrases and in cleverness. The first bombardment showed us our mistake, and under it the world as they had taught it to us broke in pieces."
  • Attacked by rats

    Attacked by rats
    Rats are getting into their bunks and knawing on their food. They come up with creative way to kill them to pass the time. "We must look out for our bread. The rats have become much more numerous lately because the trenches are no longer in good condition. Detering says it is a sure sign of a coming bombardment."
  • Young recruits go suicidal

    Young recruits go suicidal
    The impact of war made the young recruits go insane and they become suicidal. They have to beat them to keep them from doing something too terrible.
  • Paul realizes they are wild beasts

    Paul realizes they are wild beasts
    In bruality of war Paul realizes that he and his friends are turning into wild beast,Predator VS Prey. "We have become wild beasts. We do not fight, we defend ourselves against annihilation."
  • They meet the French girls

    They meet the French girls
    They swim across the river naked to meet some French girls who covet the meat and bread they have. The men exchange their bread for the women's company
    "Three women come strolling along the bank. They walk slowly and don't look away, although we have no bathing suits."
  • Paul is given 2 weeks leave

    Paul is given 2 weeks leave
    Paul is given 2 weeks of leave and returns home to his mother. His Mother is sick with cancer but his Dad is insensitive and only wants to hear war stories. "I look to see how much leave I have got. Seventeen days-- fourteen days leave and three days for travelling."
  • Paul tells Kemmerichs Mother

    Paul tells Kemmerichs Mother
    Paul promised to tell kemmerichs Mothe rhe died peacefully even though he didn't. Paul tells Kemmerichs Mom that her son died but it was a peaceful death. "This quaking, sobbing woman who shakes me and cries out on me: "Why are you living then, when he is dead?""
  • They have a celebration

    They have a celebration
    They capture two baby pigs and kill them and have a celebration. Guests come to the celebration but then they realize that the enemy balloons have spotted smoke from their chimney and shelling starts,the bombs get closer to where they are. "Then Kat and Kropp seize the masterpiece--the big dish with the brown, roasted sucking pigs."
  • They guard an abandoned village

    They guard an abandoned village
    Paul and some other men have to guard an abandoned town. They see the coffins and the higer ranked men tell them they are not good enough for the coffins.. "Eight of us have to guard a village that has been abandoned because it is being shelled too heavily."
  • Paul sees bad images

    Paul sees bad images
    Paul keeps seeing dead naked bodys,seperated limbs and blown up soldiers. He has nightmares about them and they take over him.
  • Paul is given 14 days of rest

    Paul is given 14 days of rest
    Paul is given rest for swallowing too much gas. His mind floods with the greed of love of life,love of home,yearning of the blood and intoxication of deliverance. "Seventeen days-- fourteen days leave and three days for travelling."
  • Müller dies

    Müller dies
    He dies from a shot of a light pistol in the stomach. He survives half an hour in terrible pain, handing over his precious boots to Paul during his last minutes. "Someone shot him point-blank in the stomach with a Verey light. "
  • Kat dies

    Kat dies
    When Kat is shot in the leg, Paul carries him for miles, only to discover that Kat was shot in the head and died while Paul was hauling him. "I bind up his wound; his shin seems to be smashed. It has got the bone, and Kat groans desperately: "At last--just at the last"
  • Paul dies

    Paul dies
    Paul seperates from the other soldiers and he dies of hunger.
    Quote:"He had fallen forward and lay on the earth as though sleeping. Turning him over one saw that he could not have suffered long; his face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come."