
By katjen
  • Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong
    A chinese communst who founded the peoples rebublic of China which is a single party state gverned by the chinese communist party.
  • japans invasion of china

    japans invasion of china
    The second Sino-Japanese war where Japan surrendered. United States aided China after pearl harbor and the Japanese used guerilla warfare.
  • Germany invades poland

    Germany invades poland
    German forces bombard poland on land and from the air as Adolf tries to get lost land back and rule poland
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The second world war air compaign from the German air force against the United Kingdom. The British won.
  • tripartite pact

    tripartite pact
    Agreement between Germany, Japan, and Italy that was a military alliance and a piece of propaganda directed to the United States.
  • lend-lease act

    lend-lease act
    Providng U.S millitary aid to foreighn nations during WWII
  • German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union

    German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union
    suprise attack stated to destroy russian forces in the west.
  • leningrad blockade

    leningrad blockade
    Siege that lasted a year from the germans and was one of the most destructive in history
  • Attack on Pear Harbor

    Attack on Pear Harbor
    A suprise millitary attack initiated by the Japanese against the U.S. in Hawaii. This triggered the entry of the United States into World War II.
  • Wannsee conference

    Wannsee conference
    Known as the final solution called to ensure cooperation of administrative leaders
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    destroyed japans naval strength when americans destroyed 4 of their aircraft carriers
  • d day

    d day
    more than 160,000 troops o fight Nazi Germany. more thank 9,000 allied troops were wounded. The Allies gained a foot hold.
  • d day

    d day
    more than 160,000 allied troops landed to fight the Nazis with more than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircrafts. The allied were ahead and more than 9,000 soilers were killed or wounded.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    WWII meeting of government heads of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union.The meeting was held to discuss the remaking of the nations of Europe messed up by war.
  • Iwo Jima/Okinawa

    Iwo Jima/Okinawa
    Fought between the Japanese Army and the United States Marine Corps. The battle started when US ships began to fire guns then around 100 aircraft attacked. The US won.
  • Hitlers suicide

    Hitlers suicide
    was in an air raid shelter when he and his wife both took cyanide capsuls then he shot himself with a pistol for good measure
  • ve day

    ve day
    public holiday to celebrate the end of WWII in Europe
  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    Conference held in Cecilienhof between the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States. They came together to determine the punishment of the Nazis.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    An American B-29 bomber dropped the worlds first atomic bomb over Hiroshima and wiped out 90% of the city killing 80,000 people immediately and killed more later by radiation. 3 days later another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki killing 40,000 people.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    Japan Surrendered and celebrations were held to announce the end of WWII.
  • Formation of the U.N.

    Formation of the U.N.
    Designed to promote international co-operation. The UN had 51 member states and there are now 193. The headquarters is in NY.
  • Truman Doctorine

    Truman Doctorine
    President Harry S. Truman made it so that the United States would provide military, political, and economic assistance to all democratic nations.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    american idea to help europe by giving 17 billion $$$ at the end of the world war.
  • NATO

    north atlantic treaty organization which is an alliance to give mutual defense
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    A war between North and South Korea where the US fought for the South and China fought for the North. Two seperate governments were set up.
  • Stalins death

    Stalins death
    died in moscow of a massive heart attack :-)
  • warsaw pact

    warsaw pact
    soviet union and seven european groups sign a treaty thats a mutual defense organization
  • Sputnik

    It was 58 cm diameter and a metal sphere with four radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses. Sputnik was the first Earth satellite.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    a failed invasion of Cuba in attempt to over throw communist government of Fidel Castro.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    13 day confrontaion between US and Soviet Union over missles in Cuba. The closest the cold war came to being a nuclear war.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    a conflict ending in North Vietnam victory and unification of vietnam under comunist control.
  • Soviet Union falls

    Soviet Union falls
    Soviet Union split into 15 independent states and signaled the end of the cold war between US and Soviet Union
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    East German communist party announced citzens could cross the boreder whenever they wanted. The same night crowds swarmed the wall and some crossed while others hammered and picked at the wall
  • Gorbachev

    8th and last leader of the soviet union who served as general secretary of the comunist party from 1985 until 1991.