APUSH Unit 7

By mrh201
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii enacts various economic treaties with the U.S. leading to the flood of American businessmen into the islands and the American rise of power socially, politically and commercially into this region.
  • Mexico

    Tax of $20 implemented upon non-American miners, aimed at targeting the Latin Americans and a new physical border leaves Mexican's now living in American territory discriminated against and considered foreigners.
  • Alaska

    Purchased from Russia for 7.5 million by Secretary of State, William Seward and deemed "Seward's Folly" by the general public in attempt to mock U.S government's handing of the affair.
  • Hawaii

    A new constitution, pushed by American, European and elite Hawaiian natives, strips the monarchy of their power over the Hawaiian government through the forced signature of the King through military force. Dole is elected president and the Queen Lili'uokalami is imprisoned.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    A naval officer, president of the Naval College, historian and author of several books analyzing naval powers role in the development of world powers: including the most famous, "The Influence of Sea Power upon History."
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Cuban struggle for independence against Spain begins.
  • Hawaii

    President McKinley makes Hawaii a territory of the U.S after Grover Cleveland and his administration research and declare the overthrow unconstitutional.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The USS Maine sinks in the Havana harbor after being sent to protect Americans during an anti-Spanish riot.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Spain grants Cuba limited powers of self governance, as the U.S issues that Cuba has the right to independence, and demanded the removal of Spanish troops, meanwhile announcing the president's use of force to secure this withdrawal.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Spain declares war on the U.S
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    George Dewey leads the US in the attack on the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay, ending in an American victory.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    American soldiers (inc. 1st Calvary "rough riders") land on the coast of Santiago and push Cervera's Spanish fleet out of Santiago.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Santiago's surrender ends the Spanish-American war.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Spain renounces all claim to Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico to the U.S in the Treaty of Paris as well as transferred sovereignty of the Philippines for 20 million dollars.
  • China

    U.S. John Hay sends a series of letters to Britain, Russia, Germany, France, Italy and Japan calling for equal economic access in Chinese markets as well as maintenance of the Tarrant Oreo and administrative integrity of the Empire.
  • Philippine-American War

    Philippine-American War
    Philippines declare war upon the United States as a continuation of their revolution and struggle for independence as well as the U.S. annexation of Filipino territory.
  • China

    China erupts into Boxer rebellion after the foreigners arrive and their influence upon the Chinese was resurrected, leading to no formal division and the world powers then accepted Chinese compensation.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    Theodore Roosevelt adopts his foreign affairs plan with the establishment of the U.S over the Panama canal.
  • Philippine-American War

    Philippine-American War
    The Philippine-American War ends with an American victory over the Filipinos.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    New negotiation after U.S support militarily into the Panamanian independence results in them gaining access to the canal zone.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    Roosevelt's extension of the Monroe doctrine in declaring the U.S. right to military force to protect American economic venture into Latin America and Central America, put into effect in the Dominican Republic.
  • Mexico

    New attempts at Americanization of the 'foreigners' is further defended by president Roosevelt who began the English Only Movement to push English as the official language of the U.S as well as in attempt to force Spanish speaking Mexicans to learn the language.
  • Japan

    Agreement between Japan and the United States to respect each other's territories in the Pacific and uphold the Open Door Policy in China.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Taft declares foreign policy as dollar diplomacy, which is stated to put the U.S. economic relations as incentive over warfare and military to continue U.S favorable activity etc.
  • WWI

    Archduke Ferdinand of Austria is assassinated. (triggers a series of events that ultimately lead up to WWI)
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The project began in 1904 and began to draw a close in 1913. officially opening in 1914
  • WWII

    The Arabic is attacked and sunk
  • WWI

    Lusitania crisis where Germans sunk a British passenger liner. Most passengers drowned.
  • WWI

    Germans counteract British blockades by threatening to sink them within war zones.
  • WWI

    The Espionage act is introduced which outlawed any profane publication or display about the government.
  • WWII

    America declares war against Germany.
  • WWI

    The Sedition act furthered this by outlawing any profane or negative conversation about the U.S government or war effort.
  • WWI

    Woodrow Wilson delivers 'Fourteen Point Address' to congress which inspires soldiers to keep up the fight.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Following the Bolshevik Russian Revolution, a small group of radicals form the Communist Labor Party in which progressive and conservative American's viewed this as a menace and sought to eradicate communism out of the U.S.