Robert La Follette
DOD: June 18, 1925. A militant Republican progressive leader who wrestled control of crooked corporations and returned the power to the people. -
Eugene V. Debs
DOD: 20 October 1926. Socialist. Federal prisoner who racked up the largest vote ever for the Socialist party. -
Ida Tarbell
DOD: 6 January 1944. A pioneering journalist who followed in Lincoln Steffens footsteps by published a devasting bt factual blow expose of the Standard Oil Company in response to her father by the oil interests. -
John Dewey
DOD: 1 June 1952. Professor at Columbia University and a Progressive. Set forth the principle of "learning by doing" which served as the foundation for progressive education. -
Ida B. Wells
DOD: 25 March 1931. Spearheaded a protest against the lynching of 3 black businessmen in Memphis, Tennessee. -
Lincoln Steffens
DOD: 9 August 1936. Reporter. He unmasked the corrupt aliance between big business and the government. -
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
The first mass organization under women devoted to social reform that linked the basic principles of Christianity. Also called for the prohibition of alcohol. -
Margaret Sanger
DOD: 6 September 1966. Feminist who led a organized birth control movement that championed the use of contraceptives. -
Interstate Commerce Act
Congress created this as a requirement for rates to be proportional to distance traveled and that the rate be made public. The Interstate Commerce Commission was set up to enforce this act. -
How the Other Half Lives
Written by Jacob Riis in 1890, and told the story of the poor in the Lower East Side. -
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Cretaed by the merger of the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
Outlawed Monopolies that were created by big business. First Act passed by Congress that prohibted trusts. -
Anti-Saloon League
The leading organization that lobbied for prohibition. Founded in 1893. -
Anthracite Coal Strike
A strike by the United Mine Workers of America to get recognition of their union, higher wages, and shorter hours. This strike threatened national coal shortage, the result was a 10% increase in wages and reduction of working hours. -
Elkins Act
Authorized the ICC to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates and the shippers who accepted such deals. -
Department of Commerce and Labor
A short lived cabinet department of the United States and the secretary of the Commerce and Labor division was the head of the department. Was meant to create jobs and promote economic growth. -
Square Deal Policy
President Roosevelt vowed to never favor any specific froup of Americans but to be fair to all. His policy had three basic concepts: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. -
Northern Securities Antitrust
First use of President Theodore Roosevelt's Antitrust legislation against a monopoly -
The Jungle
Written by Upton Sinclair and was responsible for President Woodrow Wilson and Congress passing the Pure Food and Drug Act . Also expolited the harsh conditions in which immigrants lived. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Prevented the transportation, sell, and manufacturing of adulterated or misbranded foods, drugs, medicine, and liquors. -
Meat Inspection Act
Prohibited the sell of adulterated and misbranded livestock and ensured that only under sanitary conditions were livestock to be slaughtered. -
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Largest industrial fire in U.S. history killing over 100 people, easily preventable if there were better safety measures in place. -
17th Amendment
Passed by Congress to enforce the fact that there shall be 2 senators from each state elected by the people and that they shhould serve years and have 1 vote. -
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
Founded by Progressive Republicans who had bolted the GOP conventio nto protest the party's "standpartism." -
Underwood Tariff
Purpose was to reduce levies impose don manufactured goods and to eliminate duties on most raw materials. -
Federal Reserve Act
It was a act that decentralized the bank which allowed for the balancing of competing interests in private banks and public opinion. -
Federal Trade Commission
Unfair methods of competition were ruled unlawful -
Clayton Antitrust Act
Was a act meant to strengthen the antitrust laws established by the enaction of the Sherman Act. Allowed unions to organize and prevented mergers. -
Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
The first child labor bill signed in to law by President Woodrow Wilson. Banned the products made by companies wh oemployed children. -
19th Amendment
This amendment granted American women the right to vote -
18th Amendment
Established the Prohibition of alcohol, making the production, transport, and sell of alcohol illegal.