APUSH - Unit 7 (1890-1945)- Part 3

  • The Churches of Christ were organized.

    The Churches of Christ were organized.
    Fundamentalism was rapidly growing in the Baptist Church and the Churches of Christ.
  • The N.A.A.C.P. was founded.

    The N.A.A.C.P. was founded.
    It became one of the nation's leading black rights organizations in the twentieth century.
  • Congress passed the Sixteenth Amendment.

    Congress passed the Sixteenth Amendment.
    It allows Congress to levy an income tax.
  • President Wilson set an income tax of 1% on incomes above $3,000.

    President Wilson set an income tax of 1% on incomes above $3,000.
    It increased to as much as 77% in 1917.
  • The 18th Amendment was ratified.

    The 18th Amendment was ratified.
    It banned the manufacture and sale of "intoxicating liqours."
  • The "Red Scare" begins

    The "Red Scare" begins
    This encouraged a nativist or anti-immigrant frenzy.
  • Scott F. Fitzgerald published This Side of Paradise.

    Scott F. Fitzgerald published This Side of Paradise.
    It was a hit for the young who had dreams of becoming things like flappers.
  • Sinclair Lewis published Main Street.

    Sinclair Lewis published Main Street.
    It told the story of a woman's unsuccessful war against provincialism.
  • 1920 U.S. presidential election.

    1920 U.S. presidential election.
    It was heavily influenced by the aftermath of World War I.
  • The Democrats have a meeting in San Fransisco.

    The Democrats have a meeting in San Fransisco.
    The Democrats nominated James M. Cox for the 1920 U.S. presidential election with Franklin D. Roosevelt as his vice president.
  • The Lindy Hop was a popular dance.

    The Lindy Hop was a popular dance.
    It was named for the pilot Charles Lindburgh's first solo flight and was the first dance to include swinging the partner into the air.
  • Baseball's Negro National League was formed.

    Baseball's Negro National League was formed.
    This shows the societal seperation between the blacks and whites during this time period.
  • The term 'flapper' was first used.

    The term 'flapper' was first used.
    A flapper was used to describe the women of the time.
  • 50 new Broadway musical premieres in one season.

    50 new Broadway musical premieres in one season.
    This began the decade of Broadway's prime years.
  • Jazz music begins it's rise to popularity.

    Jazz music begins it's rise to popularity.
    Jazz spread to dance halls and other venues, heavily influencing the people and culture of this time period.
  • Harlem became the capital of black America.

    Harlem became the capital of black America.
    It attracted black intellectuals and artists from across the country and the Caribbean.
  • The federal Volstead Act was initiated.

    The federal Volstead Act was initiated.
    It closed every tavern, bar and saloon in the United States.
  • The Republican National Convention meeting in Chicago.

    The Republican National Convention meeting in Chicago.
    The Republicans nominated Warren G. Harding against Calvin Coolridge for the 1920 U.S. presidential election.
  • Economic Recession.

    Economic Recession.
    Without political interference, it was allowed to fix itself and was over within 18 months.
  • Herbert Hoover passed the Fordney-McCumber Act.

    Herbert Hoover passed the Fordney-McCumber Act.
    The average duty on nonfree goods was raised from 38.5% to nearly 60%.
  • Louis Armstrong earned his first recorded solo on "Chimes Blues."

    Louis Armstrong earned his first recorded solo on "Chimes Blues."
    African Americans heavily influenced the popular jazz music of the time period.
  • The National Origins Act was passed.

    The National Origins Act was passed.
    It was an extremely restrictive immigration law that immigration quotas that set excluded some people and favored others.
  • 1924 U.S. presidential election.

    1924 U.S. presidential election.
    President Coolridge won the election in a landslide.
  • Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby.

    Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby.
    It told the story on the illusionary American ideal of a self-made man.
  • Marcus Garvey gets arrested.

    Marcus Garvey gets arrested.
    His organization showed the anger and lack of hope that many blacks felt about their place in American society.
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial.

    The Scopes Monkey Trial.
    John Scopes was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act for teaching evolution. The idea of evolution goes against some religions.
  • Ernest Hemingway published The Sun Also Rises.

    Ernest Hemingway published The Sun Also Rises.
    He told of spiritually numb American expatriates in Europe.
  • The Department of Agriculture calculated that the nett migration in favor of the cities was over one million people.

    The Department of Agriculture calculated that the nett migration in favor of the cities was over one million people.
    The population was moving from rural areas to urban ones.
  • Chinese imports to the U.S. were at the one billion dollar level.

    Chinese imports to the U.S. were at the one billion dollar level.
    They increased at about 30% per year.
  • 1928 U.S. presidential election.

    1928 U.S. presidential election.
    It was won by Herbert Hoover.
  • Ernest Hemingway published A Farewell to Arms.

    Ernest Hemingway published A Farewell to Arms.
    This novel explained his war experience.
  • The United States stock market crashed.

    The United States stock market crashed.
    Stock prices collapsed completely.
  • The Great Depression Begins.

    The Great Depression Begins.
    The stock market crash of 1929 was a big factor in the start of the Great Depression.
  • Herbert Hoover passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff.

    Herbert Hoover passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff.
    It turned out to be the highest protective tariff in the nation's peacetime history.
  • African Americans voted by a large majority for the Democratic presidential candidate, Franklin Roosevelt.

    African Americans voted by a large majority for the Democratic presidential candidate, Franklin Roosevelt.
    Many political parties often tried to sway the African Americans, but the blacks continued to be a major force in the Democratic Party.
  • The Emergency Banking Relief Act was passed.

    The Emergency Banking Relief Act was passed.
    It sought to re-instill investor confidence and stability in the banking system.
  • The Beer and Wine Revenue Act was passed.

    The Beer and Wine Revenue Act was passed.
    Roosevelt signed the Act in order to levy a federal tax on alcoholic beverages. This would raise federal revenue to get our country out of the Great Depression.
  • The Unemployment Relief Act was passed.

    The Unemployment Relief Act was passed.
    This provided grants for municipal public works projects.
  • The Federal Emergency Relief Act is passed.

    The Federal Emergency Relief Act is passed.
    It provided authorization of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA).
  • The Agricultural Adjustment Act was passed.

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act was passed.
    It reduced crop surplus, therefore raising the value of crops.
  • The Tennessee Valley Authority Act was passed.

    The Tennessee Valley Authority Act was passed.
    It provided flood control for the Tennessee River and made it more navigatable.
  • The Federal Securities Act was passed.

    The Federal Securities Act was passed.
    It was the first major federal legislation to regulate the offer and sale of securities.
  • The Home Owner's Refinancing Act was passed.

    The Home Owner's Refinancing Act was passed.
    It helped those in danger of losing their homes during the Great Depression.
  • The National Industrial Recovery Act was passed.

    The National Industrial Recovery Act was passed.
    It was an attempt to stimulate economic recovery after severe deflation.
  • The Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act was passed.

    The Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act was passed.
    It limited commercial bank securities, activities, and affliations.
  • The Dust Bowl begins.

    The Dust Bowl begins.
    In response, the federal government created the Soil Conservation Service formed in 1935 to promote farm rehabilitation.
  • The Gold Reserve Act was passed.

    The Gold Reserve Act was passed.
    It required all gold held by the Federal Reserve be given to the United States Department of Treasury.
  • The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act was passed.

    The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act was passed.
    It allowed the negotiation of trade agreements between the United States and other countries.
  • The Indian Reorganization Act was passed.

    The Indian Reorganization Act was passed.
    It was used to deal with the status of Native Americans.
  • The Dust Bowl ends.

    The Dust Bowl ends.
    Dust storms wreaked havoc such as choking cattle and driving 60% of the population from the region.