APUSH - Unit 7 (1890-1945) - Part 2

  • The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was founded.

    The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was founded.
    This was the first mass organization among women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity."
  • Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act

    Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act
    This made railroads the first industry subject to Federal regulation.
  • How the Other Half Lives is published.

    How the Other Half Lives is published.
    This inspired Roosevelt to close the worst of the lodging houses and spurred city officials to reform and enforce the city’s housing policies.
  • The National American Woman Suffrage Association was founded.

    The National American Woman Suffrage Association was founded.
    It was created to work for women's suffrage in the United States.
  • Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act

    Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act
    This was the first Federal Act that outlawed monopolistic business practices.
  • The Anti-Saloon League was founded.

    The Anti-Saloon League was founded.
    It was a major force in American politics, influencing the United States through lobbying and printed text.
  • Eugene V. Debs organized the American Railway Union.

    Eugene V. Debs organized the American Railway Union.
    It waged a strike against the Pullman Company of Chicago.
  • Ida B. Wells brought her anti-lynching campaign to the White House.

    Ida B. Wells brought her anti-lynching campaign to the White House.
    Wells was committed to her social and political activism.
  • Roosevelt coined the term Square Deal Policy after a mining strike.

    Roosevelt coined the term Square Deal Policy after a mining strike.
    President Roosevelt pledged not to favor any group of Americans but to be fair to all.
  • The Anthracite Coal Strike.

    The Anthracite Coal Strike.
    The United Mine Workers of America went on were on strike, asking for higher wages, shorter workdays and the recognition of their union
  • Lincoln Steffens became a part of the "muckraking" movement.

    Lincoln Steffens became a part of the "muckraking" movement.
    The movement was attempting to make sense of the social and economic changes associated with industrialization, urbanization, and immigration.
  • Congress passed the Elkins Act.

    Congress passed the Elkins Act.
    This authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates.
  • The United States Department of Commerce and Labor was founded.

    The United States Department of Commerce and Labor was founded.
    This was created to investigate and report upon the operations of corporations engaged in interstate commerce
  • The Northern Securities Antitrust case.

    The Northern Securities Antitrust case.
    Roosevelt sues J. P. Morgan for an illegal combination acting in restraint of trade.
  • Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act.

    Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act.
    This works to prevent adulterated or misbranded meat and meat products from being sold as food and to ensure that meat and meat products are slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions.
  • The Jungle was published.

    The Jungle was published.
    The book produced an immediate and powerful effect on Americans and on federal policy.
  • Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act.

    Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act.
    This prevented the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes.
  • John Dewey and others form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

    John Dewey and others form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
    It was one of the earliest and most influential civil rights organization in the United States.
  • Ida Tarbell dismantled the Standard Oil Company.

    Ida Tarbell dismantled the Standard Oil Company.
    It gave a new rise to a style of jounalism called "muckracking."
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.

    The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.
    It was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of Manhattan, New York, and one of the deadliest in US history.
  • The Progressive (Bull Moose) Party was founded.

    The Progressive (Bull Moose) Party was founded.
    It was formed by former President Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Congress passed the Underwood Tariff.

    Congress passed the Underwood Tariff.
    It re-imposed the federal income tax following the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment and lowered basic tariff rates.
  • Congress passed the 17th Amendment.

    Congress passed the 17th Amendment.
    This provides for regular voters to elect their Senators.
  • Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act.

    Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act.
    This created and established the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes.
  • Congress passed the Clayton Antitrust Act.

    Congress passed the Clayton Antitrust Act.
    This provided further clarification and substance to the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.
  • The Federal Trade Commission was founded.

    The Federal Trade Commission was founded.
    It's main goals are to protect consumers and to ensure a strong competitive market by enforcing a variety of consumer protection and antitrust laws.
  • Margaret Sanger coined the term "birth control."

    Margaret Sanger coined the term "birth control."
    She provided women with information and contraceptives.
  • President Woodrow Wilson signed the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act into place.

    President Woodrow Wilson signed the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act into place.
    This regulated child labor by banning the sale of products made by companies that employed children under certain ages.
  • Congress passed the 18th Amendment.

    Congress passed the 18th Amendment.
    This called for the banning of the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages.
  • Congress passed the 19th Amendment.

    Congress passed the 19th Amendment.
    This made it illegal for any citizen, regardless of gender, to be denied the right to vote.
  • Robert La Follette proposes the Federal Food Stamp Program.

    Robert La Follette proposes the Federal Food Stamp Program.
    It would enable low-income families to buy food with coupons provided by the government.