APUSH - Period 9

By BradenG
  • California v. Bakke

    California v. Bakke
    This court case led to the decision of not allowing a university to use racial "quotas."
  • Supply-Side Economics

    Supply-Side Economics
    This macroeconomic theory argues that economic growth is most affected by lowering tax rates and decreasing regulation.
  • Trickle-Down Economics

    Trickle-Down Economics
    This is an economic theory that states the benefits of the wealthy trickle down to everyone else.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    On January 20, 1981 Ronald Reagan was elected as the President of the United States.
  • Economic Recovery Tax Act

    Economic Recovery Tax Act
    This act was created to encourage economic growth through reductions in individual income tax rates.
  • PACTO Strike

    PACTO Strike
    This particular strike involved PATCO workers who wanted $10,000 wage rise, a shorter work week, and better retirement benefits. They were forced to go back to work due to Reagan stating that contracts would be cancelled and lifetime employment ban would take place in 48 hours.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra Day O'Connor
    Sandra Day O'Connor was the first women to serve on the Supreme Court, as a Justice. She was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1981 and served until 2006.
  • AIDS

    The first reported case of AIDS was in 1981.
  • Boland Amendment

    Boland Amendment
    The Boland Amendment is a term used to describe three U.S. legislative amendments from 1982-1984. These amendments were created to limit U.S. government assistance to the Contras.
  • SDI

    The Strategic Defense Initiative was a missile system (proposed) to protect the United States. This plan was announced publicly for the first time by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983.
  • Beirut Bombings

    Beirut Bombings
    These bombings were an act of terrorism during the Lebanese Civil War.
  • Walter Mondale

    Walter Mondale
    Walter Mondale was the Vice President to Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981. He was later defeated by Ronald Reagan, once again, in the election of 1984.
  • Geraldine Ferraro

    Geraldine Ferraro
    In 1984 Geraldine Ferraro became the first female vice presidential candidate to represent a major American political party.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    This affair was a major political scandal that occurred during the second term of Ronald Reagan. This particular scandal went on for two years. This involved the secretly facilitated selling of arms to Iran by Senior administration officials.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Mikhail Gorbachev was the General Secretary of the Communist Party for the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991.
  • Bob Dole

    Bob Dole
    Bob Dole was the Republican leader of the United States Senate from 1985 to 1996.
  • William Rehnquist

    William Rehnquist
    William Rehnquist served as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1986 until his death in 2005. He was appointed to this position by President Ronald Reagan.
  • Immigration Act of 1986

    Immigration Act of 1986
    This act criminalized the hiring of known illegal immigrants.
  • "Tear down this wall"

    "Tear down this wall"
    "Tear down this wall" is a line from a speech made by President Ronald Reagan in regards to the Berlin Wall in 1987.
  • INF Agreement

    INF Agreement
    This was an agreement between the United States and the USSR on the elimination of nuclear and conventional missiles.
  • "Read my lips, no new taxes."

    "Read my lips, no new taxes."
    This was a phrase from a 1988 presidential campaign speech made by George H.W. Bush.
  • Al-Qaeda

    This was an organization founded by Osama Bin Laden that organized the attack on 9/11.
  • Moral Majority

    Moral Majority
    This was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party.
  • George H.W. Bush

    George H.W. Bush
    George H.W. Bush was elected as President of the United States of America in 1989.
  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    The Tiananmen Square protests were student held demonstrations in Beijing.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was finally torn down in 1989, this symbolically marked the end of the Cold War.
  • Panama Invasion

    Panama Invasion
    The United States invaded Panama from 1989 to 1990 and ended up in a US victory.
  • Sandinistas

    This particular political group was voted out of office in 1990. This is a democratic socialist political party that was formed in Nicaragua.
  • Religious Fundamentalism

    Religious Fundamentalism
    This was a religious movement with the primary goal of returning the foundations of faith.
  • Lech Walesa

    Lech Walesa
    Lech Walesa was the President of Poland from 1990 to 1995.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    This was a year long war that involved in the buildup of troops and defenses of Saudi Arabia.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act prohibits any discriminating behavior towards those with disabilities.
  • Internet

    Internet was originally brought up in 1983 but become more popular in 1990.
  • Glasnost and Perestroika

    Glasnost and Perestroika
    Perestroika was a Russian political movement in the Communist Party and was highly associated with Glasnost until 1991.
  • Breakup of the Soviet Union

    Breakup of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union finally dissolved in 1991.
  • Boris Yeltsin

    Boris Yeltsin
    Boris Yeltsin was the first President of the Russian Federation from 1991 to 1999.
  • Clarence Thomas

    Clarence Thomas
    Clarence Thomas was appointed as the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in 1991.

    The United States entered NAFTA in 1991 to establish a trilateral trade bloc in North America.
  • NRA

    In 1991, Wayne LaPierre became the president of the National Rifle Association.
  • Bosnia and Kosovo

    Bosnia and Kosovo
    Bosnia and Kosovo were two nations of Yugoslavia that decided to become independent in 1991.
  • Ross Perot

    Ross Perot
    Ross Perot ran a presidential campaign in 1992 and ran against both Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.
  • PLO

    In 1993 the PLO and Israel came to an agreement which led to the PLO recognizing Israel's right to exist.
  • Start I and II

    Start I and II
    This was a bilateral treaty between the US and Russia on the limitation of defense arms.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton served as the President of the United States from 1993 to 2001.
  • Failure of Health Reform (1990's)

    Failure of Health Reform (1990's)
    This was a health plan proposed by Bill Clinton that later on failed.
  • "Ethnic Cleansing"

    "Ethnic Cleansing"
    An ethnic cleansing is the genocide of unwanted ethnic or religious groups in a culture.
  • West Bank and the Gaza Strip

    West Bank and the Gaza Strip
    These two territories were passed over to the PLO in a 1993 treaty.
  • EU

    This is a European economic organization that consists of 28 member states.
  • Al Gore

    Al Gore
    Al Gore served as the Vice President of the United States of America from 1993 to 2001.
  • Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton served as the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001.
  • "Don't ask, don't tell"

    "Don't ask, don't tell"
    This was a policy instituted by Bill Clinton that allowed homosexuals to enter the military.
  • Brady Bill

    Brady Bill
    This bill enacted federal background checks and a waiting period for the purchase of firearms.
  • Taliban

    This political group was founded in 1994.
  • Newt Gingrich

    Newt Gingrich
    Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    This was a domestic terrorist attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
  • Nuclear Proliferation

    Nuclear Proliferation
    This particular treaty was extended in 1995.
  • WTO

    The World Trade Organization was founded to regulate international trade.
  • Welfare Reform

    Welfare Reform
    This was a welfare reform that led to limited-time assistance for those in need of welfare.
  • Contract with America

    Contract with America
    This was a document released by the Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign.
  • Madeleine Albright

    Madeleine Albright
    Madeleine Albright served as the first woman to be the United States Secretary of State from 1997 to 2001.
  • G-8

    This was a political forum from 1997 to 2014 with participation of the major industrialized countries in the world.
  • Clinton Impeachment

    Clinton Impeachment
    Clinton was impeached in February of 1999 due to various charges.
  • Bush v. Gore

    Bush v. Gore
    This court case settled a recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush was elected as the President of the United States of America in 2001.
  • Bush Tax Cuts

    Bush Tax Cuts
    This refers to changes made in the tax codes by George W. Bush.
  • 9/11

    This was a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This was the most recent educational act that took place in the United States.
  • Homeland Security

    Homeland Security
    George W. Bush founded the Department of Homeland Security as a means of protecting the United States.
  • "Axis of Evil"

    "Axis of Evil"
    This was a term used by George W. Bush concerning countries involved with terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
  • Saddam Hussein

    Saddam Hussein
    Saddam Hussein was the President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003.
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Operation Iraqi Freedom
    This was an operation during the Iraq War that led to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
  • Abu Ghraib Prison

    Abu Ghraib Prison
    This was a prison where many United States military officials violated the human rights of many detainees.
  • Yasser Arafat

    Yasser Arafat
    Yasser Arafat was the leader of the PLO until his death in 2004.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    This was a natural catastrophe event that caused much damage to Texas and Florida.
  • Kyoto Accord

    Kyoto Accord
    This a protocol that ensures a global reduction in the use of greenhouse gases.
  • WMD's

    This particular term is an abbreviation for weapons of mass destruction.
  • Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin
    Sarah Palin served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 to 2009.
  • Enron

    This particular commodities company ceased operations in 2007.
  • Housing Bubble

    Housing Bubble
    This refers to the time the real estate market experienced an incredible spike.
  • Great Recession

    Great Recession
    This refers to a period of global economic decline in the early 2000's.
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
    These were privately owned but government sponsored enterprises.
  • John McCain

    John McCain
    John McCain lost the 2008 presidential election to Barack Obama.
  • D.C. v. Heller

    D.C. v. Heller
    This was a Supreme Court Case that was concerned with the Second Amendment Rights.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama was the first African-American President of the United States of America.
  • Tea Party

    Tea Party
    This was a Republican Conservative movement on federal budgeting.
  • Sonia Sotomayor

    Sonia Sotomayor
    Sonia Sotomayor is a current Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, she was appointed in 2009.
  • Dodd-Frank Act

    Dodd-Frank Act
    This act was a Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act.
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    This was an act that was created to lower the health costs of the country.
  • Arab Spring

    Arab Spring
    This is another name for the Arab Revolutions that took place during the time.
  • Citizens United

    Citizens United
    This was a case concerning the regulation of political campaign spending by organizations.
  • Osama Bin Laden

    Osama Bin Laden
    Osama Bin Laden was shot and killed by US forces in 2011.
  • Syrian Civil War

    Syrian Civil War
    This is an ongoing war that is taking place in Syria and started in 2011.
  • Debt Ceiling

    Debt Ceiling
    In 2012 the United States Treasury started taking extreme measures to try and solve the debt problem.
  • Mitt Romney

    Mitt Romney
    Mitt Romney was the Republican Party's presidential nominee for the 2012 election.
  • Deficit Reduction Budget

    Deficit Reduction Budget
    This budget led to the smallest budget since 2008.
  • John Kerry

    John Kerry
    John Kerry served as the United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    This was an act of Islamic terrorism on a Boston Marathon in 2013.
  • Shelby County v. Holder

    Shelby County v. Holder
    This was a Supreme Court case concerning the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • Same-Sex Marriage

    Same-Sex Marriage
    In 2013 a law was passed that allowed the marriage of same-sex couples.