APUSH Period 7

  • Alfred Thayer Mahan serves 40 years of service in the Navy, comes up with theories of Naval Power, and publishes The Influence of Sea Power (1660 -1783)

    Alfred Thayer Mahan serves 40 years of service in the Navy, comes up with theories of Naval Power, and publishes The Influence of Sea Power (1660 -1783)
  • In Hawaii, the McKinley tariff is approved by congress causing a raise in import rates on foreign sugar which leads to a depression in Hawaii

    In Hawaii, the McKinley tariff is approved by congress causing a raise in import rates on foreign sugar which leads to a depression in Hawaii
  • In Hawaii, after McKinley removes troops, sugar planters attempt to increase interest and decrease native influence by overthrowing the queen ( Liliuokalani) as well as asking for the protection of the US Marines

    In Hawaii, after McKinley removes troops, sugar planters attempt to increase interest and decrease native influence by overthrowing the queen ( Liliuokalani) as well as asking for the protection of the US Marines
  • In Alaska, the Klondike Gold Rush results in about 100,000 people migrating to Alaska

    In Alaska, the Klondike Gold Rush results in about 100,000 people migrating to Alaska
  • In Hawaii, annexation by the United States occurs after a Joint Resolution.

    In Hawaii, annexation by the United States occurs after a Joint Resolution.
  • In the Spanish American War, the Battle of Manila Bay was the first battle of the war, resulting in the Spanish fleet losing in the Philippines

    In the Spanish American War, the Battle of Manila Bay was the first battle of the war, resulting in the Spanish fleet losing in the Philippines
  • In the Spanish American War, the Battle of Santiago de Cuba was the climatic Naval battle of the war, ending in a decisive victory for the U.S. and the destruction of the Spanish fleet.

    In the Spanish American War, the Battle of Santiago de Cuba was the climatic Naval battle of the war, ending in a decisive victory for the U.S. and the destruction of the Spanish fleet.
  • In the Spanish American War, prompted by yellow journalism on the explosion of the Maine, President McKinley abandons hope of neutrality in the Cuban-Spanish conflict and establishes Declaration of War against Spain.

    In the Spanish American War, prompted by yellow journalism on the explosion of the Maine, President McKinley abandons hope of neutrality in the Cuban-Spanish conflict and establishes Declaration of War against Spain.
  • Prior to the Spanish American War, the U.S.S. Maine suddenly exploded in Havana Harbor, killing approximately 260 American sailors and resulting in the

    Prior to the Spanish American War, the U.S.S. Maine suddenly exploded in Havana Harbor, killing approximately 260 American sailors and resulting in the
  • In the Spanish American war, The Americans set up a perimeter around the city of Santiago and arranged Spain's surrender, marking the end of the battle and the beginning of territorial negotiations.

    In the Spanish American war, The Americans set up a perimeter around the city of Santiago and arranged Spain's surrender, marking the end of the battle and the beginning of territorial negotiations.
  • Post Spanish American War, the Protocol of Peace is signed, which later served at the basis for the Treaty of Paris

    Post Spanish American War, the Protocol of Peace is signed, which later served at the basis for the Treaty of Paris
  • Post Spanish American War, the treaty of Paris is signed which result in Spain and the U.S. acquiring control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.

    Post Spanish American War, the treaty of Paris is signed which result in Spain and the U.S. acquiring control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.
  • In the Spanish American War, The U.S. Army Fifth Corps engages Spanish forces at El Caney and San Juan Hill, successfully capturing Santiago de Cuba

    In the Spanish American War, The U.S. Army Fifth Corps engages Spanish forces at El Caney and San Juan Hill, successfully capturing Santiago de Cuba
  • In China, Secretary of State John Hay proposed an Open Door Policy for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.

    In China, Secretary of State John Hay proposed an Open Door Policy for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.
  • The Philippine American War is issued after it's defeat in the Spanish American War, and Spain ceding the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris, lead by Emilio Aguinaldo

    The Philippine American War is issued after it's defeat in the Spanish American War, and Spain ceding the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris, lead by Emilio Aguinaldo
  • The Philippine American War ends after the Filipinos shifted to guerilla style warfare, Aguinaldo was captured, and President Roosevelt issued his proclamation of general amnesty.

    The Philippine American War ends after the Filipinos shifted to guerilla style warfare, Aguinaldo was captured, and President Roosevelt issued his proclamation of general amnesty.
  • In China, after their defeat by Japan, Chinese groups called Boxers formed leading an uprising to remove all western and Japanese influence.

    In China, after their defeat by Japan, Chinese groups called Boxers formed leading an uprising to remove all western and Japanese influence.
  • The Panama Canal consisted of a treaty that offered $40 million for the zone's rights but was rejected by the government of Columbia, Roosevelt encouraged/supported the revolt against Columbia, which succeeded, gaining control of the Canal as payment

    The Panama Canal consisted of a treaty that offered $40 million for the zone's rights but was rejected by the government of Columbia, Roosevelt encouraged/supported the revolt against Columbia, which succeeded, gaining control of the Canal as payment
  • The Panama Canal begins with the signing of the Hay-Herran Treaty by the United States and Colombia although Columbia never ratified the treaty which later led to a panamanian uprising supported by the US

    The Panama Canal begins with the signing of the Hay-Herran Treaty by the United States and Colombia although Columbia never ratified the treaty which later led to a panamanian uprising supported by the US
  • Roosevelt and his Big Stick Diplomacy was relevant during the Venezuelan Crisis when he amended the Monroe Doctrine to read that the United States would get involved with the affairs of its Latin American neighbors if they defaulted on its debt to Europe.

    Roosevelt and his Big Stick Diplomacy was relevant during the Venezuelan Crisis when he amended the Monroe Doctrine to read that the United States would get involved with the affairs of its Latin American neighbors if they defaulted on its debt to Europe.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy is evident when Roosevelt sends out the Great White Fleet of 16 U.S. warships on the first world naval tour in history to demonstrate military strength

    Big Stick Diplomacy is evident when Roosevelt sends out the Great White Fleet of 16 U.S. warships on the first world naval tour in history to demonstrate military strength
  • Secretary of State Philander C. Knox and his Dollar Diplomacy offered to purchase the railroads from Russia and Japan in order to retur them to Chinese control; Japan and Russia refused the offer.

    Secretary of State Philander C. Knox and his Dollar Diplomacy offered to purchase the railroads from Russia and Japan in order to retur them to Chinese control; Japan and Russia refused the offer.
  • (WWI) Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated, leading to the beginning of WW1

    (WWI) Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated, leading to the beginning of WW1
  • (WWI) Congress authorizes the Declaration of War against Germany and the U.S. joins the War on the Allies' side, including Britain and France.

    (WWI) Congress authorizes the Declaration of War against Germany and the U.S. joins the War on the Allies' side, including Britain and France.
  • (WWI) Russia mobilizes forces by moving in to protect its ally, Serbia, from Austria-Hungary, which sets off a chain of other major European Powers joining the war.

    (WWI) Russia mobilizes forces by moving in to protect its ally, Serbia, from Austria-Hungary, which sets off a chain of other major European Powers joining the war.
  • In Mexico, Mexican officials arrested several American sailors and Woodrow Wilson used this as an excuse to order the U.S. Navy to occupy the port city of Veracruz

    In Mexico, Mexican officials arrested several American sailors and Woodrow Wilson used this as an excuse to order the U.S. Navy to occupy the port city of Veracruz
  • (WWI) German u-boats sinks the Lusitania, leading america entering a war they weren't meant to enter.

    (WWI) German u-boats sinks the Lusitania, leading america entering a war they weren't meant to enter.
  • (WWI) Prime Minister Winston Churchill, rejoins the army as a battalion commander.

    (WWI) Prime Minister Winston Churchill, rejoins the army as a battalion commander.
  • In Mexico, Pancho Villa led an army of about 1,500 guerillas across the border to stage a raid against the small American town of Columbus, New Mexico, as a result of abandonment by Woodrow Wilson

    In Mexico, Pancho Villa led an army of about 1,500 guerillas across the border to stage a raid against the small American town of Columbus, New Mexico, as a result of abandonment by Woodrow Wilson
  • The Red Scare consisted of the Bolshevik Revolution which resulted in Lenin becoming the virtual dictator of the first Marxist state in the world, sparking fear of communism in the US.

    The Red Scare consisted of the Bolshevik Revolution which resulted in Lenin becoming the virtual dictator of the first Marxist state in the world, sparking fear of communism in the US.
  • (WWI) The Zimmerman Telegram caused when problems due to German foreign Secretary Zimmerman proposing that Mexico side with Germany in the event that the US and Germany go to war.

    (WWI) The Zimmerman Telegram caused when problems due to  German foreign Secretary Zimmerman proposing that Mexico side with Germany in the event that the US and Germany go to war.
  • (WWI) The war ends when Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles, and the League of Nations is later formed.

    (WWI) The war ends when Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles, and the League of Nations is later formed.
  • The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor as a means of military strike by imperial Japanese Navy air service

    The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor as a means of military strike by imperial Japanese Navy air service