APUSH Gilden Age and Progressive Era

  • Coinage Act of 1873

    Officially committed US to gold standard
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Outlawed racial discrimination, on juries, public places, on railroads and streetcars
  • Munn v Illinois

    Supreme Court rejected Railroad's appeal challenging Granger's lobbying to get state legislature to pass laws fixing max rates for freight shipments; the Supreme Court also upheld IL Law setting max rate for grain storage
  • Brand Allison Silver Act

    Expanded money in circulation by remonetizing silver
  • Election of 1880

    Rep: Garfield (WINNER)--assasinated in 1881--replaced by VP Arthur
    Dem: Weaver
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    10 year ban on a Chinese immigration. Made permanent​ in 1902
  • Civil Rights Cases

    Court declared CRA of 1875 unconstitutional
  • Pendleton Civil Service Act

    Response to public disgust over corruption; required some federal workers to pass civil service exams, establish standards of merit for federal jobs and prevented taking contributions
  • Election of 1884

    Dem: Grover Cleveland (WINNER)--"anti-government corruption"
    Rep: Blaine
  • Haymarket Square Incident

    Chicago- Workers threw a bomb, killed 7 cops, cops killed 4 protestors, arrested 8, and 4 were executed
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    First federal attempt to go control unfair RR practices; created a 5 member interstate commission to oversee interstate RR practices; banned monopolies
  • Election of 1888

    Rep: Harrison (WINNER)--gave supporters pension rolls--created first national public welfare program
    Dem: Cleveland
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Congress outlawed trusts and monopolies that fixed prices in restraint of trade
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

    Response to farmers calls for inflationary monetary policies
  • McKinley Tariff

    Pushed rates up
  • Homestead Strike

    Carnegie Steel Plant- company lockout sparked a violent strike
  • Panic of 2893

    1893: Philly and Reading RR goes Bankrupt
    Stockholders sold stock to buy gold
    US Gold Reserves are drained
    Cleveland convinced Congress Repeal Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    1894: 1/4 RR= Bankrupt
    RR down GOLD down STOCK MARKET down
  • Pullman Car Company Strike

    Pullman owned his own city; The Depression of 1893 caused a decrease in wages, but rent stayed the same; Workers strike--Led by Eugene V Debs
  • In Re Debs

    Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to use injunctions against Unions
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    "separate but equal" is declared constitutional by the Supreme Court
  • Election of 1896

    Rep: Mckinley (WINNER)---political realignment
    Dem: Bryan
  • Dingley Tariff

    Pushed rates to all time high
  • Election of 1900

    Rep: McKinley (WINNER) 2nd Term--Progressivism emerged
    Dem: Bryan
  • Currency Act

    Officially commits US to gold standard
  • National Reclamation Act

    (aka Newlands Act) designated money from public land sales for water management and dams and irrigation projects
  • Permanent: Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Election of 1904

    Rep: Roosevelt (WINNER)
    Dem: Parker
    Socialist: Eugene V Debs
  • Hepburn Act

    Strengthened government power to regulate RR
  • Sherman Currency Act

    Please silver inflationists without giving up gold domination; placed US currency on internationally accepted monetary basis---set aside a gold reserve exchange for paper money
  • Pure Food and Drugs Act

    Protected consumers from dangerous ingridents in foods and drugs
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Imposed strict sanitary rules On meat packets and set up federal meat inspection system
  • Danbury Hatters Case

    Supreme Court forbade Unions from organizing boycotts in support of strikes - "conspiracy in restraint of trade" - violated Sherman Antitrust Act
  • Muller v Oregon

    Supreme Court upheld 10 hour law for women laundry workers
  • Election of 1908

    Rep: Taft (Conservative influenced by Manufacturers) (WINNER)
    Dem: Bryan--called for lower tariffs, denounced trusts, pro-labor
  • Payne-Aldrich Tariff

    Raised taxes on hundreds of items
  • Mann Act

    Illegal to transport a woman across state line for immoral purposes
  • Mann-Elkins Act

    Increased ICC rate setting lower and extended regulation authority for telephone and telegraph companies
  • Election of 1912

    Rep: Taft

    Dem: Wilson (WINNER- linked with reform--"NEW FREEDOM")- Democrats took both houses
    Progressive: Roosevelt (new party)
  • 16th Amendment

    Congress can tax income
  • 17th Amendment

    direct election of US Congress
  • Federal Reserve Act of December 1913

    Created 12 regional federal reserve banks under mixed public and private control-step toward national banking system
  • Narcotics Act

    Aka Harrison act; banned distubtuon of heroin morphine coke and addictive drugs
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    Created FTC to investigate violations of federal regulations
  • Federal Trade Commission Act

  • Election of 1916

    Rep: Hughes
    Dem: Wilson (winner)--Progressive movement lost momentum as WW1 neared
  • Keating Owen Act

    Barred from interstate commerce products made from child labor (unconstitutional in 1918)
  • Adamson Act

    8 hr work day for interstate rr workers
  • Workmen's Compensation Act

    GIves accident and injury protection to federal workers
  • Federal Farm Loan Act and Federal Warehouse Act

    Allowed farmers using land or crops as security to get loans from the federal government
  • 18th Amendment

    alcohol is illegal
  • 19th Amendment

    women's suffrage
  • Federal Highway Act

    provided matching funds for state highway programs benefiting new car industries and farmers plagued with bad roads (didn't help blacks)
  • Election of 1992

    Rep: Harrison
    Dem: Cleveland (WINNER)
    Populist: Weaver