Period: to
Civil War
Morrill Act
Homestead Act
Sand Creek Massacre
National Labor Union
Fetterman Massacre
The Grange
Boss Tweed Led Tammany Hall
Wyoming First State to Grant Women's Suffrage
Union Pacific and Central Pacific Meet
Knights of Labor
Standard Oil Company Forms
P.T. Barnum's Circus founded
Crime of 73
Panic of 1873 starts
Greenback Party Founded
Invention of Barbed Wire
Joseph F. Glidden -
Henry Grady introduces "New South"
Women's Christian Temperance Movement
Rutherford B. Hayes Becomes President
Battle of Little Bighorn
Munn v. Illinois
Farmers' Alliance Forms
James Garfield Becomes President
Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Reconstruction Ends
Carlisle Indian School
Henry George Publishes "Progress and Poverty"
Pendleton Act of 1881
Helen Hunt Publishes "A Century Of Dishonor"
Chester A. Arthur Becomes President
Knights of Labor Go Public
Booker T. Washington establishes school
Chinese Exclusion Act
Civil Rights Cases
ended with segregation being ruled as Constitutional -
Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" Published
Interstate Commerce Act of 1886
Led to ICC -
Grover Cleveland Becomes President
Grover Cleveland Becomes President (1)
Wabash v. Illinois
Interstate Commerce Commission Forms
Settlement Houses Start
American Federation of Labor
Haymarket Square Riot
Dawes Severalty Act
Edward Bellamy writes "Looking Backward"
Benjamin Harrison Becomes President
Billion Dollar Congress
Jane Addams Founded Hull House
McKinley Tariff
Ocala Platform
Susan B. Anthony Founded NAWSA
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Carnegie Steel
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Battle of Wounded Knee
Homestead Strike
Henry Clay Frick
Failed Strike -
Panic of 1893
Fredrick Turner's Frontier Thesis
City Beautiful Movement
World's Columbian Exposition
Anti Saloon League
Grover Cleveland Becomes President (2)
Coxey's Army
Pullman Strike
US v E.C. Knight Co
ruled antitrust act can only be applied to commerce not manufacturing -
McKinley Becomes President
William Jennings Bryan's Speech
The Cross of Gold Speech -
Plessy v. Ferguson
Gold Standard Act
Carrie Nation destroys Saloons
Indian Reorganization Act