The Murder of Emmett Till (Key Concept 8.1)
The killing of Emmett Till was also another incident that initiated the Civil Rights Movement. It was about an African American Boy who was visiting his relative in the south. He knew that the south was extra harsh towards racism than the North, but he didn't acknowledge to what degree. One day when Emmett was walking out of the shop, a woman alleged that Emmett whistled at her. Two white males murdered Emmett Till relentlessly. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KILdzRlFwuo -
Montgomery Bus Boycott (Key Concept 8.2)
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was also another spark to the Civil Rights movement once WW2 was finished. The initial event was about a civil rights activist named Rosa Parks, who denied to give up her seat to white people. Her ability to stand up for herself caused controversy all over the nations, and many other Civil Rights activists like Martin Luther King Jr. were yielded as a cause of this event. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFXQOBsOmRw -
Vietnam War (Key Concept 8.1)
The Vietnam War was a war against America/South Vietnam and North Vietnam/Vietcong. The cause of this war was to contain communism. This war was a regretful one because it is considered the first war that the Americans actually didnt do well in. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j-3Xi5BcKs -
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He dealt with the Cold War and believed in Civil Rights. Unfortunately, the loving president was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. -
The Great Society (Key Concept 8.2)
A domestic program in the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson that initiated federally sponsored social welfare programs. It had main goals of ending poverty, decreasing crime, abolishing inequality and improving the environment. Interactive Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/national/great-society-at-50/ -
My Lai Massacre
The Mỹ Lai Massacre was the Vietnam War mass murder of unarmed Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in South Vietnam. More than 500 people were murdered in the My Lai massacre, as well as young girls and women who were raped and mutilated before being killed. -
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (Key Concept 8.3)
Exterminated an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States. Permited large numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qohGn7vM0c -
Apollo 11 Moon landing
First mission to land on the moon. The first steps were by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. They also returned to earth with substances from the other planetary body. -
Kent State shootings (Key Concept 8.3)
Defenseless college students were shot at during a nonviolent protest against the Cambodian Caampaign. The Ohio National Guard was called in to help contain the protest. Afterward, the guardsmen shot into the crowd, killing 4 students and wounding 9 others. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lmd6CHah7Wg -
Richard Nixon/ Watergate Scandal (Key Concept 8.2)
The Watergate scandal was a political scandal during the term of President Nixion. His men were willing to do anything to earn votes so they snuck into the Watergate hotel to break-in the Democratic National Committee headquarters Interactive Link: https://www.facebook.com/WatergateTimeline -
Reagan's Assassination Attempt
Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United States. The assassination attempt occured 69 days into his presidency, while he was leaving washington hilton hotel after giving a speech. Reagan was shoot and wounded along with three other men byJohn Hickley Jr. -
Iraq invade Kuwait (Key Concept 9.1)
Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing Iraqi oil and invaded Kuwait. Within 2 days Kuwait was overrun and announced a part of Iraq as a province. The invasion immediately lead to the involvement of U.S. troops and the resulting Gulf War. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dphDS6OS1lc