Founding of Jamestown
Jamestown was the first successful English colony in the New World. -
"Starving Time"
This was a very gruesome winter called the "Starving TImes". After it passed, only 65 colonists remained in Jamestown. -
A Period of Peace
This year marks the beginning of a period of peace between Native Indians and colonists brought about after the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. -
Headright System
The Virginia omany installed something called the Headright System after that promised colonists 50 acres of land for each person a settler paid to bring to the New World. This was needed because after the "Starving Time" no one wanted to come over since death rates were so high. -
1st Shipment of African Slaves
This year marks the 1st shipment of African slaves to the New World. As a result, the economy was boosted since tobacco production became so high. -
Indian Rebellion
This year marks the end of the period of peace between the Indians and colonits when chief Opachan led a rebellion against the English when they made it apparent that they were more interested in taking Indian land than trading. -
3 Year Hard Labor Penalty
Because of the appeal to many people of Indian Reservations because of their abundance and equality in regards to women, the state of Massachutes sentenced any one who joined the Native Americans to three years of hard labor. -
Indian Reservations
The 2,000 remaining Native Americans at this point were forced to move to "Indian Reservations" in the western side of Virginia. -
Ohio Company
The governor of Virginia awarded a sizeable grant to the Ohio Company (a real estate development company) to help himself. This led to the start of the 7 Years War. -
Beginning of 7 Years War
This marks the beginning of the 7 Years war which indirectly contributed to the begnning of WW1. -
1st Fighting
This was Great Britain's first attempt to remove the French from their British forts in Pennsylvania. -
End of 7 Years War
This was the end of the 7 Years War which was ended with the Treaty of Paris. -
Sugar Act
The first oppressive tax known as the Suagr Act was instituted as means to pay for war debt. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was installed as another oppressive tax and stated that all printed material had to contain a stamp that had to be purchased. -
Stamp Act Congress
In October of 1765 the Stamp Act Conference occured where colonist agreed to boycott British goods. This is important because it was the first major action of the colonies all working together. -
Boston Massacre
A protest to get rid of oppressive taxes that got out of hand known as the Boston Massacre. -
The Tea Act
This was the year of the implementation of the Tea Act where the cost of tea was reduced but so was the quality and this directly lead to the Boston Tea Party.