APUSH chapter 22

  • Us obtains Panama Canal rights

  • Teddy Roosevelt Mediates peace treat between Japan and Russia at Portsmouth conference

  • Root takahira agreement with japan

  • Mexican revolution begins

  • Us invades Mexico, Panama Canal opens, ww1 begins, proclamation of neutrality

  • Germany declares war zone around Great Britain, German u boat sinks Lusitania

  • Pancho villa raids New Mexico, Wilson re-elected, national defense act establishes preparedness program

  • February: Germany has unrestricted submarine warfar, March: Zimmerman note April: us declares war on central powers , may: draft enforced, June: espionage act, November: Bolshevik revolution in Russia

  • January: Wilson’s 14 points, may: sedition act is passed, June: us troops begin to see action in France, November: armistice ends war

  • January: 18th amendment and Paris peace conference, June: Versailles treaty, July: race riot breaks out in Chicago, steel strike, November: Palmer raids begin

  • March: senate finally votes down Versailles great and League of Nations, August: 19th amendment, November: Harding is elected president