APUSH chapter 20

  • Granger founded, Secretary of State Seward negotiates the purchase of alaska

  • Granger laws begin to regulate railroad shipping rates

  • Rutherford b Hayes elected president, Great uprising of 1877

  • Henry George publishes progress and poverty

  • President James a Garfield assassinated; Chester a Arthur becomes president

  • Chinese exclusion act

  • Pendleton act passed

  • Grover Cleveland elected president

  • Interstate commerce act creates the interstate commerce commission

  • Edward Bellamy publishes looking backward, colored farmers alliance formed, Benjamin Harris elected president

  • National farmers alliance formex

  • Sherman silver purchase act, McKinley tariff enacted, national American woman suffrage association formed

  • Populist party formed

  • Coeur d alene miners strike, homestead strike, ida b wells begins crusade against lyching

  • Western federation of miners formed, financial panic and depression, worlds Colombian exhibition opens in Chicago

  • “Comets army” marches in Washington DC, Pullman strike and boycott

  • Plessy vs Ferguson upholds segregation, William McKinley defeats William Jennings Bryan for president

  • Singles tariff again raises import duties to an all time high

  • Eugene v debs helps found social Democratic Party, Hawaii is annexed, Spanish American way begins, anti imperialist league formed, Wilmington nc massacre

  • Cumming v Richmond county board of education sanctions segregated education, guerilla war state’s in the Philippines

  • Gold standard act and “expansion”