Granger founded, Secretary of State Seward negotiates the purchase of alaska
Granger laws begin to regulate railroad shipping rates
Rutherford b Hayes elected president, Great uprising of 1877
Henry George publishes progress and poverty
President James a Garfield assassinated; Chester a Arthur becomes president
Chinese exclusion act
Pendleton act passed
Grover Cleveland elected president
Interstate commerce act creates the interstate commerce commission
Edward Bellamy publishes looking backward, colored farmers alliance formed, Benjamin Harris elected president
National farmers alliance formex
Sherman silver purchase act, McKinley tariff enacted, national American woman suffrage association formed
Populist party formed
Coeur d alene miners strike, homestead strike, ida b wells begins crusade against lyching
Western federation of miners formed, financial panic and depression, worlds Colombian exhibition opens in Chicago
“Comets army” marches in Washington DC, Pullman strike and boycott
Plessy vs Ferguson upholds segregation, William McKinley defeats William Jennings Bryan for president
Singles tariff again raises import duties to an all time high
Eugene v debs helps found social Democratic Party, Hawaii is annexed, Spanish American way begins, anti imperialist league formed, Wilmington nc massacre
Cumming v Richmond county board of education sanctions segregated education, guerilla war state’s in the Philippines
Gold standard act and “expansion”