• 1492

    Columbus reaches the Americas

    Columbus reaches the Americas
  • Period: 1492 to

    Unit 1

  • Jamestown established

    Virginia Company
  • Period: to

    Unit 2

  • First Anglo-Powhatan War

    Dela-Warr, Jamestown
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Established

  • Home Stead Act

    U.S gov gives people land at discounted price to encourage westward expansion
  • Executive Order 8802

    Ended segregation in military operations, Fair Employment Practices Commission. Influenced by Philip Randolf's March on Washington
  • Yalta Conference

    Meeting between FDR, Churchill, Stalin to plan for post WWII. Russia will declare war on Japan after Germany falls, Russia promised Japanese land back from Russo-Japanese War.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Final meeting of the "Big Three" from earlier. Tried to discuss future of Europe but failed. Beginnings of Cold War
  • Period: to

    Unit 8

  • Marshall Plan

    Provides $13 billion to Europe, the US will offer economic and then military support to anti-communists movements in Middle East.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Plan to support the anti-communists of Europe. Unconditional aid for anti-communist nations, dictatorships and tyrannies alike.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Truman supports West Berlin with air support
  • Executive Order 9981

    Desegregates the military, support for civil rights loses Truman southern votes
  • NSC-68

    National Defense spending increases to $37 billion annually for Korean War. Goal was for US to emerge victorious in Cold War. Remains in place for 30 years
  • Korean War

    Dictator Kim Il Sung invades southern Korea, threat to US control of democracy. Formally declared "police action" by United Nations, war never official and never ended. Conflict ceased with a DMZ at 38th parallel, creating two Koreas.
  • Vietnam War

    Ho Chi Minh appeals to US for new Vietnamese leader, ignored. Goes to USSR for weapons to take out the leader, US becomes involved. The southern section of Vietnam overwhelmed by the north and the US finally leaves in 1975.
  • Federal Highway Act

    $25 billion dollars directed to build 40,000 miles of highways for 10 years, paid by highway trust fund.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Failed raid of Cuba by Cuban exiles and spies along with US armed forces to take down Fidel Castro.
  • Cuban Missile Crisi

    After Bay of Pigs, USSR places missiles in Cuba aimed at southern coast of North America. A hot wire established between USSR and US to resolve future disputes diplomatically.