APT-Motor Skill Development-First Year

  • 18

    Ninth Month

    Ninth Month
    Baby starts to crawl on hands and knees.
  • 18

    Tenth Month

    Tenth Month
    Starts walk when baby is led.
  • Baby is born! (:

    Baby is born! (:
  • Baby umbilical cord falls off.

    Baby umbilical cord falls off.
  • First Month

    First Month
    Baby starts to lift chin when on stomach.
  • Second Month

    Second Month
    Baby lifts chest well above surface when placed on stomach.
  • Second Month

    Second Month
    Baby starts to smile and giggle.
  • Third Month

    Third Month
    Baby starts to reach for objects.
  • Fourth Month

    Fourth Month
    Baby rolls from side to back and from back to side.
  • Fourth Month

    Fourth Month
    Baby is very ticklish.
  • Six Months

    Six Months
    Baby sits alone briefly.
  • Seventh Month

    Seventh Month
    Baby eats with its fingers.
  • Eight months

    Eight months
    Baby picks up larger objects.
  • Ninth Month

    Ninth Month
    Starts to eat soft foods.
  • Tenth Month

    Tenth Month
    Baby is more skillful with spoons.
  • Eleventh Month

    Eleventh Month
    Baby Holds Drinks from a cup.
  • Twelfth Month

    Twelfth Month
    Baby now stands all alone.