By stef115
  • 1948

    Publication the first issue of the Journal "A journal of Applied Linguistics"
  • 1950's

    structural and functional linguistics that could be applied directly to second language teaching
  • 1960's

    The term continued to be associate with the application to linguistics to language teaching and related practical language issues.
    Applied linguistics became involved in matters of languages assement,policies and the new field of second language acquisition.
  • 1970's

    the broadaning ot the field of applied linguistics continued . its role as a discipline that addresses real-world ,laguage-based problems. Focus on language teaching remained central to the discipline.take into account those subfields literacy,multilimgualism ,language-minority rights and language teacher training.
  • 1980's

    The central issue remained the need to address language issues and problem as they occur in the real world.
    thus definitions of applied linguistics are emphized both the range of issues address and types of disciplinary resources used in order to work on language problems.
  • 1990's

    common trend was emerging to view applied linguistics as incorporating many subfields and drawing on many supporting disciplines in addiation to linguistics.
  • 2000's

    Applied linguistics involved other fields as competences and descriptive linguistict take into account teach,learn and use of language.