Apartheid South Africa Policies

By Davis01
  • Black Land Act

    Black Land Act
    Prevented blacks from owning or renting land outside of designated reserves.
  • Native Urban Areas Act

    Native Urban Areas Act
    Regulated influx of black people and removed surpluses of blacks who weren't employed in the area. The country had specific urban and non-urban areas where blacks were and weren't allowed to go.
  • Industrial Conciliation Act

    Industrial Conciliation Act
    Created job reservation for white people. Prohibited blacks from joining labor unions and starting their own labor unions.
  • Immorality Act

    Immorality Act
    Intercourse is prohibited between blacks and whites.
  • Black Administration Act

    Black Administration Act
    Allowed for the forceful movement of any tribe or individual person be moved without prior warning to any other part of the South African State.
  • Urban Areas Consolidation Act

    Urban Areas Consolidation Act
    People who were leading idle lives or who had committed certain offences could be removed from urban areas.
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
    Prohibited whites from marrying any other racial group.
  • Population Registration Act

    Population Registration Act
    Required citizens to identify as one of four racial groups from birth. More strict than any racial acts enacted previously.
  • Black Laws Amendment Act

    Black Laws Amendment Act
    All black persons over the age of sixteen are required to carry passes and that no black person was allowed to stay in an urban area for longer than seventy-two hours unless given special permission.
  • Urban Blacks Council Act

    Urban Blacks Council Act
    First provision for black self-government in urban areas.